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I looked down into the street there was a mommy and a daddy and a girl and a boy and a stroller with a baby in it they were smiling and the girl was holding the mommy's hand. I wonder if my mommy would do that if I had one. Uhh oh Mandy's up she'll be mad if she find out I got into bed by myself.
I got up and climbed back into bed but not fast enough "REBECCA " her loud voice roared. I cowered in the back of my crib. I'm three but small so they didn't want to waste there time getting a big girl bed out from storage.

Mandy's hands were too quick for me. They picked me up from my bed and she put me on the ground. She dragged me to the shower room harshly by my hand. I couldn't get my legs under me. She was walking to fast my ribs were hurting from "falling" down the stairs. Derek pushed me and my side was all bruised. I knew what Mandy was going to do she was going to put me in the shower and turn the water to scalding hot then take me back to my crib in my sopping wet clothes then leave me there all day well she watched me and played on her laptop and listened to her music, I was snapped back to reality when the burning beads of pain started to fall. They turned to streams of scorching torture. She turned the water to freezing cold, I don't even know how the water was so cold. I was yanked out of the arctic only to be dragged back to my room and thrown into my bed.

Mandy left and I hid under her bed it had pull out drawers so she couldn't see me. I heard footsteps come closer and closer and the door creaked open. The footsteps stopped I could see legs just the drawers in between us it wasn't Mandy's pants but Mandy could be hiding. She could be just waiting for me to come out then she'd leave me in my crib even longer.
A new set of legs appeared and the people started to talk, "Lauren I swear I heard crying coming from here".
"There is no one in here. All the kids that can be adopted are down stairs" the second voice said.
The first girl spoke again, "But miss Lear said that there was 21 kids in the age range we were looking for. There's only 20 downstairs".

All of a sudden Mandy walked in she stopped and said, "Hi what are you doing up here. All the kids are downstairs" in her false sweet voice. She sat on the bed on me the mattress sagged and I let out a squeak. The first pair of legs knelt down and pulled out the drawer. She lied down on her stomach and wiggled over to me.
She spoke in a soothing voice, "It's okay sweetie, what's your name". I pressed harder against the wall she reached out to touch me, I cringed. She took my hand and urged me to come out. I shyly crawled out never letting go of the girl. She sat criss cross applesauce on the floor and let me sit next to her. She stroked my back and I almost allowed myself to get lulled in by her sweet exterior. Her phone buzzed and I pulled my hand back.
The second girl pulled out her phone and said "Lauren we have to go". The girl next to me got up and helped me up. She bent down to hug me but I dodged her. She tried again and succeeded. It had been a long time since anyone has hugged me. It felt good. She asked Mandy what my name was and smiled at me before walking out.

I climbed back into the crib hoping that I could avoid the beating. To my surprise Mandy laid down on her bed and listened to her music. I looked down to see I was still in yesterday's clothes. I reached under my pillow and pulled out a white snap up onesie with no legs or arms. I took off my clothes under my blanket and snapped the buttons on the pyjamas together. I closed my eyes and let the darkness devour me.

My warm sanction was torn apart as Mandy pulled off my blanket.
Mandy said cheerily, "Morning brat, rise and shine. Today you finally are going to leave me so as punishment for yesterday's little mishap, you are going to stay in there 'till "they" come and get you, adios freak show". When she left, I sat up shivering. I smelt pancakes, the glorious scent wafting up from the kitchen. I frowned knowing I wouldn't get any.

The same voice as yesterday rang out like wooden wind chimes on a warm summers day, "Smile your so beautiful when you smile". I couldn't help but smile at her compliment.
The girl walked over and I asked her quietly, "Wwwhawwhat y yo you nam". I hate my stutter but I can't talk with out it.
She responded confidently "Ally". I bobbed my head and she picked me up. She didn't set me down like Mandy does, she shifted me to her hip.

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