Chapter 3 - Dark Matter - (Part 20)

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Later on that night, Asriel sat down at his desk. He did his usual routine of pulling out his diary and his ink well along with his beloved writing feather. He dipped the hard tip of it in ink and began writing about his day again.
Writing was becoming more like a necessity rather than his routine as the young prince found some comfort in his own little world composed of sheets of paper and ink black as the night. It was like he was talking to a living person whom resided in his own imagination. Someone to talk to, someone whom would just listen rather than judging his thoughts. But above all, a friend.

As he wrote, he thought about his encounter with Max. He smiled. Max was one of a kind, someone who really knew how to cheer someone up. When he wasn't working at Ebbot Radio, he was always hanging out with Asriel and the others, spending nights with them watching movies, playing all the games and generally getting in trouble with the bunch as Toriel would lecture them on the ruckus they would cause at 3 in the morning.
Asriel missed those times. It was amazing how things could change in such a short time.

As he finished writing he sat back as if admiring his work. Evidently, the prince's writing was getting better, now making better looking letters.  Though of course he would slip up from time to time. As he was cleaning his feather with a tissue, Frisk walked in

Frisk: "Hey goat face" he greeted

Asriel: "Hey blank mood" the prince replied in a distracted tone

Frisk made a slight frown

Frisk: "There's a one I never heard before, wow." He flopped onto the bed
"So, you're writing on that notebook again? Keep doing that regularly and someone might think you're killing people on that thing" the human chuckled.

Asriel frowned and responded

Asriel: "Don't be ridiculous."

Frisk laughed with a grin

Frisk: "You know, Undyne thinks that you're acting like those anime girls. Always writing dirty secrets in their diaries. Wonder what you wrote about me"

Asriel smirked a little at that subtle tease and decided to pick on the human

Asriel: "Heh, I can tell you that the diary knows you're a foul git"

The human shrugged and kicked his own feet around as if bored

Frisk: "You're definitely not wrong there bro. But don't use the diary as a mirror next time you write"

The prince laughed and put his stuff away, approaching his brother and scruffing up his hair with a fist. The two enjoyed teasing each other, but it never got serious. After all, they were always messing around.

Carline flopped on her bed face-first into her pillow. Working as head scientist was no easy task, especially when you have to work on something you want no part on. These human experiments were terrifying and were giving her a hard time getting some shut-eye.

She reflected on the work she had done that day. She was no expert on astralogy, the science that studied souls and much less on Monster astralogy. Furthermore, she knew the basics however she was never one to delve too much into the subject. She knew she had to if she wanted to keep her job, though in all fairness she would much rather work with Matt again. Then she remembered the heart-to-heart she had with her boss. The whole human evolution shenanigans did not rub her the right way as she was remembering movies and games that reflected on the matter. In her opinion science was quite important, but some things shouldn't be messed with. Things that should remain behind a wall of ignorance. Sometimes, it is for the better.

Her phone buzzed under her in her coat's pocket. She grumbled. Carline had to roll on her back to reach her phone as the annoying song played. It was like a monkey screeching in your ear, revealing it was Matt calling. She rubbed her eyes and adjusted her glasses, taking the call

Carline: "Hey Matt... What's up?"  She greeted, a noticeable tiredness in her voice

Matt: "Hey GG. Not much, how about you? You sound like you've been awake for 5 days straight"

Carline: " Ugh, tell me about it... Can't get a good night of sleep and the damn  work I have to put up with"

Matt: "Uh yeah, I saw you leaving the test chamber. Boss said you're the new head scientist there which is both awesome and sucky at the same time..."

Carline sighed. It really was a promoted nightmare as she called it, but there was little she could do about it.

Matt: "Anyway, you're probably having a hard time dealing with all that shtick, so I'll drop it. I called because I was wondering if you want to call up the gang and go on a drinking spree. Monday's the charm day. No work" he reminded her.

In all honesty, Carline wanted to go but she was so tired she couldn't bring herself to drive again.

Carline: "Sorry Matt-Doe. No can do today. Maybe next time" she said and Matt understood.

Matt: "Well it's fine. But look if you need anything, and I mean ANYTHING, gimme a call alright? I'll let you sleep now GG. Night"

Carline: "Night..." and she hung up. Dropping the phone beside herself, she stared at the ceiling silently. She really wanted to go and have fun with Matt and the crew, and she was mentally slapping herself for not going. But her brain was yelling at her to go to sleep, so she curled up on her side and closed her eyes, quickly dozing off into the land of the dreams and wackiness.

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