Chapter 2 - Foxes in sheep's clothing (Part 12)

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"So tomorrow morning is the next conference, correct?" Asgore asked, speaking to the phone in front of him. From the speaker, the voice of a man around his 60's spoke

"Yes. My apologies for it to be so early Mr. Dreemurr but we do have some issues regarding political matters on our end. Nothing about your people, I mean. It is a human matter. If you don't mind Mr. Dreemurr," the man coughs a little "would you come at 9AM. If you do arrive late, would you please let me know beforehand? You may also bring along your ambassador. He does seem to be a very bright man for someone so young"

The goat king smiled
"Frisk is an exceptional young teenager. He will come with me. I will make sure, however, to arrive in time."

"Then it is settled, Mr. Dreemurr. I will see you tomorrow. Have a good evening" the man said

"Likewise, Prime Minister" The king replied and after the call was cut, Asgore sat back with a sigh. He had been talking on the phone for around an hour or so and he thought it would never end

"It is always an earful when the Prime Minister calls you on behalf of the President, is it not Gorey?" Toriel chuckled, while she leaned on the doorframe of Asgore's office room. It was quite a small room but cosy. It had a nicely crafted spruce desk with an old desktop which surprisingly still worked. Aside from the computer, there was also a pile of paperwork carefully organized and some files which contained political stuff. There was also Asgore's cellphone, which was either too small for his hands or his hands were too big for the phone, and a lamp poorly illuminating the entire room.

"If only were it that simple. I still have to figure out how this 'email' works. I cannot get around it" The big goat man chuckled and glanced at his wife whom had smiled at him

"Why don't you ask Asriel or Alphys? They both use it from time to time" Toriel asked, stepping into the room and moving towards the window

"They say it is simple to use but it is easier said than done" Asgore scratched his ear softly, while trying to work the email on the computer "Besides, this computer is somewhat slow..."

Toriel chuckled and stared outside to the city. It looked quite pretty at night with all those lights.
"It used to be so simple back then. When we used to live in the Underground. Though it was not better" She sighed "Yet, here we are. A new life in another time"

Asgore looked at her, knowing what she meant. It had been centuries since they last were on the surface, literally. He then replied with a very calm expression
"Despite that, you haven't changed a single bit. Especially on your short temper"

The goat lady snapped her head at the goat man with a blush but an angry expression while the king couldn't keep a straight face
"And you are still the same old naive fluffy buns" She spats, leaving the king laughing

"And that is why I love you" he says, and Toriel ended up laughing with him, hugging the fluffy king

"Likewise, my big idiot. Likewise"

The morning came with a very grey look. Overnight, the sky was covered with clouds and threatned to rain. Asriel woke up from his desk. He had spent all night, aside from stargazing, playing on his laptop which had ran out of battery and was on the desk. He stretched and yawned, standing up and heading to the kitchen. Undyne was already there, eating.

"'Morning Undyne" He says, still with a sleepy look while the fish lady was wide awake

"Hey horn head. Looks like you didn't sleep that much" She says while devouring pancakes and a glass of orange juice. "Want some? They are still hot"

"Nah, it's fine. Uhh... where's mum and dad?" He asked, looking at the clock marking 10:23AM

Undyne shrugged, still eating her breakfast and replied with a mouthful

"I dunno. I only woke up a while ago."

"Huh" Asriel looked outside "It's a beautiful day..." he said with an obvious sarcasm in his tone

"It is ain't it?" The fish lady agreed, with the same sarcastic tone "And here I was thinking about going to the beach."

"Did Alphys call?" The prince asked, sitting at the table while Undyne finished eating

"Nope." That was all she said

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