Chapter 2 - Foxes in Sheep's Clothing (Part 11)

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"So, any news regarding public relations between monsters and humans?" Asriel asked, while moving a pawn forward. They have been playing for a quarter of an hour, having both lost 5 pieces respectively. Now it was just a matter of making conversation

Frisk shrugged, doing the same as his brother.
"Up until now, things are going quite fine. The world leaders seem happy to receive and welcome you guys to the surface. But there was something going on around which did bother me though" He admitted. This left the Prince a little confused

"What is it? Any fees? Contracts? Wait, don't tell me they want to-"
Frisk chuckled
"Relax, bro. It's nothing too serious or as arbitrary as that. It's just I heard rumors about a certain global organization which has some ties to the seven powerful wizards from the war 500 years ago." He whispered "it is said, the wizards are still alive"

The goat lets out an amused laughter, pretty much in disbelief at what his younger sibling had just said
"Frisk, you and I both know Humans have a short lifespan, unlike us Monsters. The only way they could live that long, it would be by using magic and Human magic is pratically impossible without a conductor" He said and the Human looked at him somewhat surprised

"What do you mean a conductor?" Frisk asked, but not at all distracted away from his game.
Asriel realized he had just spilled the beans somewhat

"I wasn't really supposed to talk about this to anyone, but since I already messed up and told Amber, I guess it wouldn't hurt telling you. But you have to promise not to tell a soul"
The young human made a thumbs up, listening to what the Prince had to say.

Afterwards, Frisk sat back, processing everything he was just told. After what felt like a minute, something clicked in his mind as he leaned forwards on the checker board
"Maybe they use those so-called Infusion Stones. What else would explain it? I mean, they are wizards right? Surely they have the capacity of magic usage above most of us humans"

Asriel nodded once he understood what his brother meant
"Now that I think about it, if those rumors are in fact true, do you think they will try anything against us?"

The human shrugged. He didn't have an answer to give right away. Although he was able to use his Determination, he wasn't able to fully unlock it's potential, especially now that his magic was unuseable in the Overworld.
"Checkmate" He said, moving his Queen piece all the way to Asriel's side of the board, catching the Prince off guard

"What? No way, you cheat!" He protested

Frisk laughed
"It's your fault for talking too much and not paying any attention to the pieces you moved around the board. I won fair and square" The human smiled, crossing his arms satisfies with his rather easy victory on chess

"No! You moved my pieces while i wasn't looking! There was no way..." The Prince was baffled. He didn't even notice his own moves

"Dude, you left your King wide open! You are just bad at chess" He shrugged, leaving the goat man to protest and rage at the game, amusing Frisk somewhat.

Toriel opened the bedroom's door and peeked her head inside
"What is going on here? Oh, you two are playing chess again... Asriel please. It is just a game" She commented, to which the Prince just huffed and crossed his arms. Both Frisk and Toriel smiled at the grumpy goat.

"Well, that was a nice game" The human stood up, putting away the checker board and the chess pieces and closing the box. "I'm heading to bed now. Nice talking too though. Night bro." He brofists his sibling and leaves the room, not without a goodnight kiss from the goat lady.

"Good night, mum." Asriel said, as Toriel nodded and closed the door. The prince then stood up and headed to his desk again, pulling the drawer out and taking his ink well, notebook and duck feather, writting down on the notebook yet again, not forgetting to add:
"Played chess with Frisk... Lost miserably..." He wrote the last two words with certain amusement, causing him to chuckle at how riddiculous he must've been when he lost. Raging because he lost on a game was a bad habit of his, as he took games really serious when it came to competitive gaming. It was a nightmare if both him and Undyne lost though. only then he remembered what Frisk had told him. He leaned back on his chair, thoughtful.

If these rumors were true, what would it mean for the Monsters' future? On a positive note, the World Leaders seem to be looking out for those in order to keep the peace. Still, something was off and Asriel knew that

After writing down about that, he closed the notebook, put away everything in the drawer again and relaxed. He turned off his desk lamp and opened the window, letting the chilling yet nice breeze blow softly through out his fur. He climbed on the desk and sat down at the ege of the window, looking up in the sky. He watched the stars covering the sky, along with the white trails of what he thought was powder sprinkled all over the night sky.

Amber herself was stargazing too. It was something both her and Asriel loved to do. When they met, they quickly realized they had that in common. She smiled. Everytime the sky was clear and the stars could be seen, she'd always remember the goat Prince.

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