Chapter 3 - Dark Matter (Part 15)

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"Entry number 21, 21st day project Icarus: Subject is stable and the magic concentrated in it's body seems to be maintaining the subject's cells in place. We have noticed some leaking from it's face but the administrator assured us it will work. Further testing is required to determine the origin of this 'leaking'."

"Entry number 22, 22nd day project Icarus: This morning the experiment began leaking all over the place. The correct term: melting. The body lost it's shape and it became a black goo, eliminating the traces of any identity of the subject leading to a halt in all the tests. The subject was never conscious but his life signs were there until the body's matter collapsed. The experiment was a failure. Testing has been halted"

"Entry number 1, 1st day project Archangel: Tests have begun this morning on a primate. The magical essence has been introduced into the soul of the subject, leading to a fatal response and immediate death of the test subject as expected from previous tests. Non-human and human magic cannot be sustained by wild life, for the corruption and decay of the soul is nearly instant causing rapid death from the inside out. This will help with further research"

"Entry number 14, 14th day project Archangel: With the research which Dr. Alphys has 'provided' the week prior has revealed to be of use. But in order to utilize this type of magic, we need to find this cache of infusion stones for further testing."

"Entry number 27, 27th day project Archangel: With the human subject we have and the new cache of infusion stones received, we were able to test on the subject but only the blue stone has reacted to the subject's soul. We now need to find a monster to merge with the body of the human."

The scientist sits back on her chair and sighs after filing the report.  She was tired from her work that day and she took a look at her reports again. She thought to herself why they had been tasked to supervise the experiments with live humans and monsters. What did they want to accomplish? She was knocked out of her thoughts with the sound of footsteps in the room and her colleague Mathias wandered over to her and sat next to her with two cups of coffee
"You look like a mess. Been here long?"
The woman nodded and leaned forward to grab one of the cups
"Is this for me?" She asked him and received a nod as a response
"You've been here all afternoon with all the files you have to write and the reports. Why don't you take a day off, Carline?"
Carline sighed and took a sip from her coffee. It was burning hot.
"I can't Matt, you know my work here is important and the boss would cut my salary in half if I actually skipped a day. He's that strict" She responded, to which Mathias just smiled and let out a low chuckle
"I've seen his boggy attittude. He's like a grumpy old man whenever he gets mad. Just ask him. He might just let you take a day for yourself and you can just unwind from all this"
The woman looked at her colleague and friend and smiled
"You worry too much about me. Why don't you take a day off yourself?" She asked, tilting her head to the side
The man sat back and threw his head back with his usual annoying laughter
"HA! Me take a day off? The boss would have my butt if I ever decided to ask him that. I already skip work every once in a while"
"And then I have to cover for you, am I right you biggot?" She gave him a toothy grin and the both laughed it off.

Time passed and they just talked about their day and how Jerry was an idiot. Then there was an awkward silence. The two just drank their coffee in silence as they look into the dark test chamber where the only light on was the capsule with the greenish liquid envolving the human test subject. Carline then broke the silence with a question
"Matt... Do you have any idea what they want to accomplish with these tests? Is this a new way to find any cure for a disease without a cure?"
Mathias looked at her in confusion but replied
"I don't know. This is an odd experiment. Could be some kind of 'eternal life' thing where they may use the DNA and magic of a 'fallen' monster. I don't know about it but I heard the results have been brutal. Project Icarus was the latest failure right? I mean, before this one how many other tests have been ran?"
Carline sighed
"About 67 tests over the past year. All failed. It was before you and I left Dallias Inc. and were assigned to the Kronnos Labs. I still think all of this testing stuff is creepy and I can't even imagine the pain we may have caused to these humans or monsters"
Mathias shrugged and simply said
"Well, humans I am not sure but the monsters were pratically dead. As far as we know, they felt nothing"
"That doesn't really make me feel at ease" She says and gets up, undressing her lab coat "I am heading home. See you tomorrow Matt"
"See you"

It was cold outside and it was raining. Not how Carline pictured her night to be. She adjusted her glasses and ran to her car with a suit case over her head, which did not help on keeping her dry but did save her hair from being soaked like a towel. She got into the car and closed the door, throwing her case to the other seat and took a deep breath. She wasn't used to running a lot so that little marathon worn her out. Then she turned on the car and began driving out the parking lot. It would take her around an hour to arrive home so she turned on the windshield wipers and drove off. She also turned on the radio to listen to the news. The breaking news about the death of the Prime Minister made her raise the volume, causing her to listen carefully about it. Then she had to look back at the road, avoiding a really ugly collision with a truck
"Why is it always a truck..." She sighed and put some music to calm herself down

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