Chapter 3 - Dark Matter (Part 16)

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Upon parking in her driveway, Carline rushed inside her house. She locked the door behind her and sighed, leaning her back against it and stare into the dark hallway. Slowly but surely, she reached for the light switch and flipped the light on. 

"Oh bother..." She huffed seeing the mess she had done that morning. The coat hanger on the floor, paperwork she dropped in a rush, a small table toppled over with the phone down... That and the amount of dust she hadn't had the time to take care of for at least a week.

"Well it can't be helped... Time to clean this up..." She sighed and as she went looking for a broom and a duster, her own cellphone rang startling the young woman. She searched her pocket for the phone and as soon as she got hold of it, she picked up the call.

"H-Hello?" She spoke, slowly calming herself down after the initial shock.

"Dr. Embers. This is William Gardner, your supervisor" the person on the other side spoke. He had a pretty clean and soft voice, calming yet scary at the same time. Sometimes it was hard to know if he was angry or satisfied

"Oh! Mr. Gardner! Sorry.. I was in the middle of something. I just arrived home and... stuff" She said, immediately stopping what she was doing. 
"Did something happen? Are the reports dated? Ooh, I hope I haven't written anything out of date...."

"You needn't to worry, Embers. Everything is alright with the reports. However, there is something I must talk to you about. In private."

"Oh! Right now?" She asked, checking the kitchen for a broom and a dusted quickly

"Not right now, no. Tomorrow morning. I have spoken to the Director and he has given me permission to speak to you personally. Your colleague Dr. Mathias will take your place at the laboratory tomorrow. Hopefully he will keep up your excellent work with the reports"

*Knowing Matt, he will probably mess it up* She thought to herself, speaking again after noticing the supervisor wasn't really saying anything else.
"I am sure Matt will... I mean, Mathias will do a great job. But if you don't mind me asking... What is it about? The... thing you want to talk about with me?"

"It is classified... For the time being. In the mean time, you have a good night Dr. Embers" And with that, the call ended. Carline stared for a brief moment at her phone and sighed. 
Her supervisor was something else. Mostly kept to himself and rarely talked to either her or Matt. It was weird that he would want to talk to her in specific rather than anyone else.
"Maybe it's about the experiment..." She shivered at the thought. Observing the experiments all the time never really helped with her sleep. The nightmare-ish screams from Project Icarus always reminded her of the inhuman things that were done to people. Actual people. Not just animals. She felt like whatever they were doing was illegal, yet people there wouldn't judge. Keeping it a secret also proved to be much more challenging than it appeared to be. She wanted to talk to someone about it, to say what she thought of it and express her discontentment with what was going on. Yet, even with Matt by her side she wouldn't do it much. She hid most of what she wanted to say. You never know when the walls are listening to you.
Then she remembered.... She still had to clean up the hall.

"So, dark magic was involved in this afterall? And you say monsters did it. Can we take this into consideration?" The judge asked, while the skinny man nodded silently, glancing at the judge ever so often. George once again spoke, visibly annoyed with how the judge was actually believing this whole bunch of non-evidencial accusations and ignoring the facts

"Your honor. With all due respect, even though it is confirmed to be dark magic a monster cannot perform it. It comes with the nature of their soul. I've read the books. That 'myth' of them turning to the dark side and take everyone's souls out of revenge for what happened over 3 centuries ago is wrong! And as we stated, monsters CAN'T and I repeat, CAN'T perform dark magic. It's just not possible for them to do it!"

"Besides, where's the proof? We've only heard a toothpick repeating words, rather than presenting actual evidence. Not to mention how idiotic this whole thing has been" Asriel intervened, gaining odd looks from the people in the court. Even his mother looked at him funny

"What do you intend, Mr. Dreemurr Junior?" The judge questions, to which was responded with a harsh reply from the prince, who clearly hated to be called 'Dreemurr Junior'

"First of all, it's Asriel. And second of all, I am not even a full adult yet, so you can just call me by my name thank you very much. And third, what I mean is this: That man... Or Lt. Thorn or whatever wasn't even at the crime scene when the squad cars arrived. I counted at least 8 officers, and none of them were him. Chief Giles was there and told me and my father we were free to go. And now he's accusing my father of using dark magic? What is he, stupid? Come on, even a toddler would see through this bullcrap!" The court room fell silent after a shocked gasp among the audience. Yet, he had made a valid point, no matter how rude he had been. 

"I see. Well, despite this we can't be sure if this is confirme-"

"Fermingan, you know this trial was over even before starting. Don't delay this anymore" This time, it was the president speaking, rendering the judge completely loss of words. Giles was still in his seat, fists clenched so hard they turned white. He was glaring at Asriel for making him look stupid and for how much of a brat he just acted as.

"I... " He looked around. Something was off with him but the old man regain his composure
"Since no one seems to be open to any other statements, I declare Asgore Dreemurr... Not guilty. This court is adjourned"

Asriel rose an eyebrow. Everyone stood up. Asgore was received with a warm hug from Toriel, and everyone seemed to be relieved that it was over. Giles walked past Asriel who had stayed behind watching and bumped to his shoulder. Obviously, the goat prince turned around ready to yell at the officer, but he stopped when Giles stared dead in his eyes. He shook somewhat at the unexpected look
"Guy must be angry. No wonder..." He told himself before leaving along with everyone. 

Once outside, Asriel took a deep breath and smiled somewhat. The day started off bad but ended on a positive note. And he still had plenty of time to enjoy the rest of it. From the distance, he could see someone running in his direction. He squinted his eyes to try and see who it was. Then a familiar voice came from the person

"Hey Az! Hey!!" The voice yelled as the creature approached. It was a male blue bird monster, the same age as the prince coming towards him. After he arrived, he panted for a while

"Huh? Hold on a second you're-"

"Yeah! Long time no see! It's me Max!"

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