Chapter 2 - Foxes in sheep's clothing (Part 8)

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"And what is that 'way' you mean? If what you say is valid, I don't think there would be some... artifacts lying around to be tested on?" Asriel asked, presumably quite confused about all of this. In fact, to him, the whole idea was nuts!

Alphys sighed and placed the other file on the table. She opened it up and pulled out a sheet of paper with something inscribed in it. It was noticeable the file was recent unlike the other one. This one dated back to a few days prior

"T-these are the tests we have been making for the past couple of days. And while there a-are no artifacts we have found a p-particular cave, not far from Mt. Ebbot." she said. "This one is like we h-hit the mother-load of infusion stones... I-instead of using staffs, wands o-or magical infused armor, h-humans are able to use the stones in different ways. F-for example... This a-amber colored stone. It represents the power of Bravery... T-this particular power can only be used by a user with a Bravery soul, r-represented by its color"

"Yeah, but how the heck are you even able to know what soul type a human has? You, what, dissect them like rats or small amphibians like the punks do in primary school?" Undyne blurted out, disapproving the whole thing"

"Sometimes I wonder why people tend to not explain everything to you. This must be one of the reasons" Asriel said, in a mocking tone, which was received with Undyne crossing her arms and mumbling curses at the young prince.

"A-answering to her question... There are ways of know about the soul type of a h-human. B-but for now, we only know of one... To whether a s-soul resonates with the specific infusion stone power or not. It does depend on the u-user's capabilities..." Alphys continued. Asriel glanced over at the counter near the monitor in the lab. Aside from all the paper, tubes and brewing stations, one thing caught his attention. A beautiful amber necklace. What was it doing there, he wondered himself, but it definitely was attractive. A white golden necklace with 2 rings intertwined in themselves, forming something resembling a ball. In the center, a cubic amber, resting there like the beautiful gem it was. He was brought back to reality by Undyne, who has decided it was funny to yawn annoyingly loud. Afterwards, Alphys just zipped it.

"Alright, I guess we should continue this later. After all, Sans and Papyrus need to open up 'Cool Spaghetti' before 1PM so we better get moving" Asriel said, standing up. He placed the sheets back in place and handed back the files to Alphys

"I-I suppose you're right. After all... I have taken e-enough of your time already..." Alphys chuckled nervously as the others got up too. As they are leaving, Asriel takes another glance at the necklace before leaving, with Alphys waving good-bye at them

"Undyne, you seem quite calm even if you broke up with Alphys" Papyrus innocently commented, which made Undyne look away

"We have... days" She said without looking back

A quarter past once, and 'Cool Spaghetti' was already filled with customers. Both humans and monsters. While many do not question, it is quite funny to see both Sans and Papyrus working hard, and most incredibly Sans, who's job consists of serving the customers and pulling a joke once in a while before he opens up his 'Pun' Stage. With the pun intended.

Papyrus took care of the food, along with Undyne who would help with the orders when she was free. Her usual work was at a security department, which she took pretty seriously. With her on duty, meant a safe haven...  except for trespassers of course. Asriel, on the other hand, decided to go on his own around town. A nice day, even after the awful cold in the morning and sunny as it was usual in that region. Along the way, he would greet some people, mainly teens around his age, often asking him to hang out. But he had plans already.

Earlier that morning, before leaving home, he had texted one of his best friends. Amber. He was now heading to her place to see her. Secretly, or so he thought it was a secret, he had a crush on her but it would soon be pretty obvious as to why everyone knew about his crush. Always blushing when she would talk to him or smile at him. The way he would feel the need to smile around her for no reason at all, and when he talked about her, as it had been proven to his parents that he really liked her that much.

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