Chapter 2 - Foxes in sheep's clothing (Part 6)

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"So, where exactly are we going, Undyne?" Asriel questioned the fish lady, while looking behind him to make sure Toriel wasn't on their tail. He knew better than most she was overprotective.

"We are heading to Al's Lab. She wants to meet. I guess something it's something cool she wanted to show us" Undyne said, without looking back at him. She seemed a bit distant.

Asriel, of course, raised an eyebrow confused

"Didn't you say Al and you were done and she wanted to be alone for a while?" He asked, recalling what she claimed the day before. Undyne shivered and slapped herself mentally and tried to come up with some excuse

"Well... uhhh... she said she was more ahh... much more calm and done from crying a river last night so... Don't remind her..." She said, looking over at Asriel from the corner of her eye to see if he bought it. Apparently, he did even though she was convinced he didn't.

"Alright, alright... not worth mentioning it then" He simply said, scoping out the obvious lie

"What?! Alphys and Undyne broke UP?!" Papyrus exclaimed, looking at Asriel and Undyne shocked. "Why didn't anyone tell me?! Well, fear not! Because I, the Great Papyrus, will surely make you two become friends again"

"We are still friends bone head, we aren't together right now." Undyne spatted at Papyrus with her usual aggressive tone

"And the whole neighborhood doesn't have to know Paps" Asriel said, kicking a rock and shoving his hands in his pockets "Pretty cold today ain't it?"

"Pretty COOL isn't it goat guy?" Sans snorted

"SAAAAANS!!!" His brother yelled at the bad pun his brother just spewed... and of course, as usual

In her laboratory, Alphys is finishing some work she had with other human scientists. She looked at the time and squealed in surprise. She had lost herself in her work she didn't even noticed the time passing by like a rocket. She didn't even noticed the scientists leaving early in the day

"T-this late already?! Oh no... t-they must be here any minute now! Oh dear me..." She quickly began to clumsily clean up her lab, tripping on her books and mangas, but in the end she made the lab look somewhat decent...? She then headed over to her room and searched for something less 'laboratory-ish'. As soon as she finished changing, there was a distinct sound to which she knew it was Undyne and the others. She stumbled downstairs and nervously opened the door

"H-hey Undyne... Sans... P-papyrus... and Your Highness..." She said, kicking away some kind of metallic helmet to god-knows-what and stepping aside to let them all inside

"So what did you want to show us that it was so important?" Undyne asked, making her way in and avoiding eye contact with Alphys. The others followed inside"

"R-right! Me and the human scientists have made a b-breakthrough! We found a way to enable humans to reuse magic like the wizards from 300 years ago!" She exclaimed with excitement in her voice

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