Chapter 2 - Foxes in sheep's Clothing (Part 14)

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"Wait, wait, wait hold on a second!" The prince exclaims, shocked at what he had just been told
"It's 9:00AM, I'm in a bad mood... What?!" 
George attempted to explain that Asgore was obviously the prime suspect since he was in the crime scene when it happened and he had to be interrogated
The prince was about to protest but Toriel intervened
"Asriel your father is alright. They did not harm him in any way. Worry not" she said, wanting for her son to calm down. Asriel still frowned but listened to what George had to say
"He was taken in for interrogation an hour ago and the president is coming here. He did not authorize for the police to take your father in custody so he is to come and get you"
"Why me?" Asriel asked to which the lawyer responded
"Because you were at the scene too if I recall correctly"
Shortly after the president arrived. He sat at the table in the kitchen and spoke
"I am truly sorry about what has happened to Mr. Dreemurr. It is true, however, despite my word I cannot unauthorize anything within the law enforcement. I do hope you understand, Asriel"
The prince wanted to protest but he sighed in defeat
"Is there anything we can do?" he asked. The president nodded and gave him a hopeful smile
"Yes, in fact. We may be able to help your father. I believe he did not commit the crime, for he must have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. And with you as a witness, you may vouche for your father's innocence in this matter."
"Would you like some tea, Mr. Wilson?" Toriel offered, holding the teapot with just-made golden flower tea.
"As much as I would want to Mrs. Dreemurr, I cannot. We must go to the court. The trial is nearly starting" the president said, standing up from his chair
Toriel nodded and both George and Asriel stood as well. The noise of footsteps charging down the stairs could be heard, as Frisk appeared at the kitchen's doorway^
"Can I go too?" he asked, looking at Mr. Wilson who nodded with a warm smile
"Of course, young man. You are a witness too, I believe"

"ORDER!" the judge smacks his fabled (and cliché'd) wooden hammer on his table, quietting the court room as there were Asriel, Frisk, Undyne, Sans, Papyrus and Alphys in the front row as the witnesses. Toriel was there too and Mr. Wilson and George were next to Asgore, while the chief officer of the department was there, facing against Asgore on the other side
"Chief Officer Giles, would you please present us with evidence of the defendant's guilt in this crime?"
The officer stepped forward, ready to present his findings. Asriel leaned over to Undyne and whispered to her
"Humans and their trials. What evidence could they even have on dad? He done nothing?"
"All I know is that this is going to take a while. Now just stay quiet" she responded, not wanting to distract herself with useless comments
The bailiff stood and spoke for all to hear, which shut Asriel and others possibly commenting too
"All rise, the Court is now in session, the Honorable Judge Fermingan presiding."
The judge then stood
"Please be seated. Today's case is that of the murder of the Prime Minister, Mr. Hawkeye. Now, are there any opening statements?" He asked, only to receive silence as a response "Then we may begin. Prosecutor Giles, please state your case"
The officer began
"At 11:07AM, the department received an emergency call from the defendant stating that Prime Minister Fermingan had been murdered. When my units, myself included arrived, there was the culprit and a witness in the crime scene. The state of the corpse was devastating, proving the murder had been brutal. The eyes of the victim has been melted, if not imploded. The skin was voided of it's colour and dry, leading us to believe there was a cursed spell involved"
The public gasped in shock. A cursed spell? How could it be?
"OBJECTION!!" George yelled, slamming his hands on the table while standing up like a spring
"It is impossible for this man to have conjured such thing"
The judge looked at the man and questioned
"Do you want to present your case, defense lawyer?"
"I do, your honor" George replied and the judge nodded 
"Defense Lawyer Hamilton, please state your case"
George took a deep breath and calmly began his statement
"Your honor, this is case is a delicate matter but I will prove to you Mr. Dreemurr is innocent. In another time, this might have been difficult to do so but in our modern days we know well dark magic is not only forbidden but also impossible for monsters to conjure, that including cursed magic. What I don't understand is why the prosecutor Giles immediately refered to such ridiculous accusation. Magic is scarce on the surface, as well as spell casting books which have been destroyed long ago"
Giles frowned and responded
"Well, I would like to call forth a witness, if your honor would allow me to do so"
"You may"
"The prosecution calls forth Lieutenant Thorn to the witness stand"
Afterwards, a tall pale skinny-looking man stood and made his way to the witness stand. He was clearly nervous, as he had never partaken in a trial before much less against a monster, and it had to be the Monster King
As the skinny man stood on the witness stand, he looked up at the judge nervously
"Mr. Thorn do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth,so help you God?"
The man nervously replied, but not stuttering for a minute
"Yes... Your honor..."

----END OF CHAPTER 2----

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