Chapter 3 - Dark Matter (Part 19)

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As Undyne and Asriel bickered about, something caught their attention. A man dressed in a black robe...? Or at least it seemed like a man. Undyne rose an eyebrow and commented to Asriel between her teeth
"Hey Az, how many people wear robes like that nowadays?"
Asriel leaned in and replied the same way
"None, unless it's Halloween. Which according to the calendar, is not here yet"
The man in the robes stood there on the sidewalk, looking down at a heavy looking book. Then the man rose his head. His face was not visible due to the hood covering it but he was mumbling something to himself. Then it approached. He was comically shorter than Asriel and Undyne, which did cause the prince to raise an eyebrow. From the corner of his eye, he spotted a tail swishing back into the robes and a poor kid's imitation at a mystical and raspy voice was heard
"Beware prince of monsters. Your path is futile against my dark powers and godlike strong legs!"
The figure in robes said

Asriel chuckled softly and pulled the hood of the creature down, smiling at whomwas underneath
"Come on MK. You don't trick me with that"
The prince said as the now revealed Monster Kid (or MK for short) giggled and gave them a toothy grin. Undyne shook her head
"Ya little nerd! What's this all about hm?"
She asked as the small monster trotted to her

"Oh! Didn't you know? Halloween is celebrated this month!"
The kid said as an incredulous Asriel stepped in

"Wait, for real?"
The prince tilted his head with a questioning yet shocked expression

"Yeah ya dimwitted horn head! How come you forgot?! It's been two years!"
Undyne bonked Asriel's head with a fist which made him rub the top of his head as it stung

"Oh gimme a break! I can't remember everything!"
The prince said while still rubbing the punched area. Meanwhile the fish lady and MK laughed at him.

"Though... I have to ask, where did you get those arms? If I remember right, you have no arms at all punk!"
Undyne asked while MK smiled at her with a proud expression

"Alphy gave me these arms!" He revealed a pair of robotic arms, similar to those of Mettaton. How they worked, however, was a mystery. Asriel took a close look and smiled softly

"Ah. I know this kind of tech. It uses brainwaves so they move the way you want them, pretty much like natural arms. Though I don't really see any sensor on your head. Perhaps it uses magic, condensing the frequencies from your brain and with the help of magic they connect to your nerves"
Needless to say, both MK and Undyne were staring at him as if what he had just said was complete rubbish. The prince frowned and said it again but in a simpler way

"In short, you think and your arms move. Simple"

MK smiled brightly and happily waved his arms around like he used to do with some of his sleeved jackets Toriel would knit for him from time to time. It seemed like being friends with Asriel and Frisk had it's perks

"Yeah! But sometimes it doesn't go well. I keep dropping glasses of water. It's hard to hold things when you were born armless"
The small monster giggled softly as Undyne shook her head 

"So where are ya going lil' nerd?"
She asked as they began walking again back heading towards Asriel's house

"Oh! Well I was going home but I wanted to show you guys my arms. Say, what will you dress up as this year for Halloween?"
MK asked and Asriel glanced at Undyne, who also exchanged a glance with him before turning her attention back at the kid

"Not sure. I've been thinking about dressing up at that character from The Last of Them. Ya know, the big and bulkie blond gal set on avenging her father? I think her name was someting like Abbigail or something"

"Ew, you're going as her? She sucks!"
Asriel said, making a disgusted expression which was received with an angry look from the fish lady

"Hey! She is pretty much like me! She was not the greatest character but still! I liked the game! She could have been written better though..."
Undyne replied while Asriel spoke again

"And Joe's demise could have been also written better. Ellina was pretty much ruined for me though"
He said while MK stared at both of them with a confused look as he didn't know what they were talking about at all

"How about you horn head? Going as Dante again? Tch"
Undyne scoffed, clearly not being a fan of Devil Must Cry

"Nah. I haven't thought about it, though I think I am going as Hu Lin from Mekoshiji"
He said with a chuckle
"I wanna see if I can pull off a Guardian Tiger vibe"

"Well you certainly don't much look like a tiger"
Undyne said which earned a shrugg from Asriel

"Well I can always try. Besides, who's to say I can't be a Guardian Goat?"

Asriel asked and with this both Undyne and MK laughed in his face, which also caused him to crack up as well. Certainly, a Guardian Goat goes over the ridiculous limit.

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