I'll always be your saving grace

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Trigger warning: abuse.
Nothing about abuse is funny and it will never be the victims fault. Please don't read if this is a trigger to you.

I've always had a rough childhood. My mother was hell and an abusive older brother, if that's what you can call him. But three people always made everything feel better in my time of need. My boyfriend Keigo, my dad, and my other brother.

Days where Keigo and my dad weren't available were always the worst for me. You see james my good brother would always lock himself in his room so I barley saw him.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? You can't do something as simple as have dinner with your family!?" My mother yelled at me. "M-mom I was never told about dinner, even if someone said it I had my earbuds in I couldn't hear" I stuttered out scared for the outcome. She said nothing but walked away. I hate having to be in college while Keigo is off being an amazing hero.

After my mother screamed at me I went to my room where my door thanks to my brother was broken. "What the fuck is wrong with them..." I said picking up my phone to see Keigo calling me. When I answered the call I heard him chirp happily. "I'm happy to hear from you too birdie" I giggled at his bird qualities. "I-im shut up" he said his voice giving off he was flustered. "Alright birdie what do you want?" I asked smiling at him. "I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date tonight! I know it's pretty late but we could go star gazing or go out to get hot chocolate." Keigo asked awaiting a response. "I'd love to! It's better then being locked up in my room." I joked as I heard him sigh "yelled at again?" He asked with a hint of anger. "yeah" I said with a sigh. "Let's not dwell on it I'll see you when you get here love you bird brain" I said hanging up.

I walked downstairs to be met with William "can you please move?" I asked as he just looked down at me. "your in my way get the hell out of the way" he said in a bitchy tone. "Look dude I just wanna get some of my winter dresses I need you to move" I sighed before I felt a slap on my cheek "don't talk back to me and move" I felt the stinging sensation grow stronger every second so I moved out of the way with my head hung low.

After the incident I walked to where I kept all my winter clothes and brought the bins up to my room. I set the bins on the floor of my room and picked out to a tight red dress that Keigo bought me when we first started dating.

When I changed into the skirt I looked into the mirror smiling at the dress in the mirror. I turned to my window when I heard tapping "Keigo!" I smiled running to my window to see my winged boyfriend. I quickly opened the window smiling like an idiot. "Hey my sweet babybird" he smiled stepping into my room. "You look good baby" he said taking in the sight. "Shut up you big flirt" I smiled as I hugged him forgetting all about what happened earlier. "Come on let's get out of here and have a good time" he smiled picking me up bridal style.

~at the date spot~

Once we got to our favorite part of the park with hot chocolate in hand. I hugged the winged hero feeling the warmth from his body. "you know y/n you should tell me when they do the shit that they do. I'm a hero baby I should save you" he said looking down at me. "I don't want anything to be done, I don't want my family to turn on me. Plus you have saved me" I said looking up at the stars. "Y/n, if your family hates you for doing what's right fuck em" he said looking down at me. "Keigo everything will be fine when we move in together, I promise" I smiled looking up at him. "I promise with everything I have I'll always be your saving grace my beautiful feather" he said placing his hand on my cheek. "My hero" I smiled as I felt his thumb rub my face.  It was perfect, the man of my dreams here with me and nothing but pure happiness. Nothing could change our love our take us away from each other. Not even my home life. "I love you babybird" he said gazing softly into my eyes. "dork" I said giggling at his cheesy way of showing his love. "hey! You know you love me!" He said pouting. "I never said I didn't love it, I just said your a dork" I smiled at his childish actions. "Why don't we tell your parents your moving out and you can start moving into the penthouse?" He asked tilting his head. "that actually wouldn't be a bad idea. Wanna go do that now?" I asked turning my head to see the moon in the distance. "Let's go lovebird!" He said picking me up and flying away with me.

~at home~

Once we got back to my place we saw my mom in my room. "Oh hey mom" I said nervously for what's about to happen. "Where the hell where you?" She asked as I turned my head to go Keigo for some help. "No need to worry mrs. L/n! Y/n was with me" Keigo said gently rubbing my back to keep me calm and composted. "I didn't ask you, I asked my daughter" my mother snapped at Keigo. "I-im was out with Keigo. We just went to get some hot chocolate" I said lowering my head to avoid eye contact. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me you were going out?!" She screamed discarding the fact that a pro hero is in her house. "Becuase I'm an adult and thought I was free to go out when I wanted to..." I said trying to reach for Keigos hand. "you though wrong your ground. Bird boy get the hell out of my house-" she said before I cut her off "I'm moving out." "What the hell did you just say?" She asked moving closer to me, the closer she moved to me I backed up. "I-im moving out and moving in with Keigo" I said scared out of my mind. "Pack up and get the hell out of my house" she said slapping me and leaving room.

Keigo was pissed and scared at the same time. I quickly turned around and hugged him to stop my racing heart. "Babybird I'm gonna help you pack, we'll be done by morning if we start now" he said rubbing my back. I nod slowly.

~months later~

Living with Keigo has been a dream. I haven't been yelled at or hit in a long time. I still keep in touch with my dad and James and they absultly adore Keigo. "Baby~!" Keigo said flying in the house and holding me by the waist. "Welcome home birdie"I smiled  turning my head and giving him a small kiss. "how was your day?" He asked smiling softly at me. "it's been mom free" I joked as Keigo just chuckled.

"I told you I'm your saving grace"

1266 words

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while I've had no motivation and had hella fucking writer's block. It's almost 1 am and I decided to make a chapter that hits alittle to close to home but I really like how this turned out.
I love you all stay safe and join my discord I'll be stared to do exclusive chapters on there!

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