missions coming to an end

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I was finishing up a mission in the states when I got a call from my boyfriend the number two pro: hawks. It's nice being able to talk to him but I can't wait to see him again. I took my phone out of my pocket and walked to my hotel room to pack for my trip home. I quickly answered the call with a smile "heyyy birdbrain" I said pressing the phone to my ear. "Hey beautiful~" I heard from the other end. "So what's up? How are the cats and things going in Japan?" I asked opening my hotel room door. "Your children are just fine lovebird" he laughed softly "Japan is just fine, your amazing strong boyfriend kept it from falling apart while you're in the states" he said as I heard the small wing beats of his wings. "That's good, are you in the air right now?" I smiled as I put him on speaker and set my phone down. "Damn I was hoping my wings wouldn't give me away" he laughed, I could hear the embarrassment in his voice. "It's fine! Anyway, I should be home by early tomorrow morning, my flight is in about two hours" I said as I put all my clothes and what not in my suit case. "That's great! I'm off tomorrow so we can spend all day together with the cats!" He practically yelled. "Keigo! Calm yourself birdie you'll distract people going by" I smiled to myself looking at the time as well as the traffic it the airport. "Alright well kei I gotta get going to the airport, I love you I'll see you tomorrow" I smiled picking up my phone again. "Bye beautiful dove I'll see you tomorrow" he said before hanging up.

~At the airport~

I got to the airport about 30 minutes later, I never really understood why there was so much traffic in the states but at least I'll catch my flight in time. I got out of the cab and payed my driver. After that I walked into the the airport and went to get something to eat. I walked to the small subway in the airport to get a sandwich. I quickly grabbed my sandwich and made my way to my gate, it was gonna be awhile before my plane got here but at least I'm ready for my flight. I sat down in the only available seat and set my suitcase in front of me. As soon as I let go of my suitcase I got a picture from Keigo, smiling I open the text and see a picture of him with our cats with a caption "the kids can't wait to see you💕". I smiled to myself quickly texting back.

Later on the plane (close to landing)

I sat up in my seat looking at the small tablet on the seat infront of me seeing how close we are to the airport "come on hurry up I wanna go home" I sighed as tried to collect myself s few weeks without seeing your boyfriend can make you a little nervous. "If I'm gonna be a nervous reck then I might as well be productive and get shit done" I mumbled to myself pulling out my laptop and started filling out some paperwork from the missions I just completed.

After awhile I felt the plane land, as quickly as I could I put my laptop away and put it my suitcase. I support it up and grabbed it, pulling it along moving through the crowd of people as quickly as I could. Once I got out of the big crowd of people I looked around for my boyfriend's big red wings.

As I walked around the airport I caught site of Keigo. "Keigo!" I yelled quickly running to him, as soon as I was infront of him I let go of my suitcase and hugged him "woah! Hey beautiful bird" he smiled hugging back rubbing my back. "shut up dickhead and just hug me" I snuggled my head into his chest as I felt his arms get tighter around me. "So did you miss me little lovebird?" He asked resting his head on mine. "Of course I did you idiot, you and our little furr children" I laughed listening to his heartbeat. "It was lonely not having your wings hit me every five seconds during the night." I laughed and kissed my head softly "well now your back and you can get hit with my wings whenever you want" he said in a sarcastic tone. "Aw you'd really do that for me?" I asked lifting my head to look at him. "Just for my lovebird" he chuckled and kissed me softly.

~At the House~

Once we got home I set my suitcase by the door and called for the cats "come on guys!" I yelled as I bent down so they cats could come over. One minute it was dead quite the next you heard were little feet running to you. I smiled seeing the calico and Maine Coon cats run at me. "there you are!" I smiled holding my arms out for the cats. The cats jumped in my arms and dug their claws into my shirt. "Hi babies did you miss me?" I asked as I felt tongues hit my cheeks. "I'll take that as a yes" Keigo laughed wrapping his arms around my waist. "Aw Keigo I know you kissed me birdie I don't need your arms around me to be able to tell that" I joked looking back at him. I heard a small meow as I turned my head back to the cats "aw sweet baby!" I smiled Petting the cats back. Keigo laughed as he pet the cats as well. "Alright let's go over to the couch and have a family moment.


I smiled softly as I looked at the sleeping cats in my lap "I missed being home" I laughed looking over seeing Keigo passed out. "Night Birdie" I smiled as I leaned over and kissed his head.

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