undercover hero? 🍋

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Request by: LenaMenzies

You see I work for the league and it just so happens that Dabi has sent me to meet up with the number two pro hero: hawks. Apparently the bird wants to join but Dabi wants me to meet up with the damn hero and take him to another spot so our hideout isn't found if the hero is leading up to a trap.

I've seen hawks on tv before and in person when we go into battle but I've never fought him so this will be interesting. "hawks" I said as the winged hero turned to face me "magma" hawks said crossing his arms. "Call me y/n drop the villan name" I said crossing my arms as the hero looked me up and down. "If we're dropping the public name call me Keigo" Keigo said smiling softly. "what are you smirking at birdie?" I asked as my chunky soled combat boots kicked agenst the concrete. "I down know maybe the smoking hot villan infront of me" Keigo said walking closer to me. "Get any closer and I'll burn those pretty little wings you and the hero committee care so much about right off." I said as I light my hand on fire. "Yes ma'am!" Keigo said backing up. "Don't think I don't know what you did with Dabi in that government program. You make me sick Keigo Takami" I hissed at the winged hero. "Whoa from first name to full name? Plus my past damn flamebird you really did your research and from the sound of it you had a reliable source too" Keigo said leaning agents a wall in front of me. "Id kill you right here is Dabi didn't want you alive" I said sighing softly. "Well princess what are we waiting for let's get going" Keigo said standing up fullly. "Don't get ahead of yourself Takami, Shigaraki gave orders" I said as I pull out my phone and call Kurogiri. "Ive got the bird were at the meeting spot can you open a portal to where you guys are?" I asked as I kurogiri opens the portal. "Thanks buddy I owe you one!" I said hanging up. "lets go Birdbrain" I said in a monotone. "Woah there sweetheart going from friendly to deadly" he said smirking at me. "why does Dabi when want you in the league" I sighed dragging him into the portal. "sorry where late to the party, someone wanted to test me" I said glaring at hawks. "I wouldn't mess with her hawks, she may be hot stuff but she can fry your ass." Dabi said stepping down from where he sat.

"Alright hawks explain why do you want to be in the league?" Shigaraki asked fixing his father's hand. I used my flames to boost myself to my seat next to Dabi. "Well as im sure you know since Dabi told flamebird already but the hero committee is a shit place. They raised me and Dabi to be weapons and they are trying to use me. So I wanna join to take them down." Keigo said looking at all the league members individually. "Alright hawks  well take you under our wing. But it ANY of us find out your messing with us and your doing this to get us captured we won't hesitate to kill you or burn those pretty little wings off" I said as I jump down from where I sat. "The real question I have here is if Shigaraki here trusts the bird here enough to take him to the hide out." I said turning to the blue haired male. "I do, if what you where saying wasn't true Dabi here would've turned hawks into fried chicken" shigaraki said as toga nodded. "Yeah! The burnt man would've burned the shit out of him the second he said something fake as hell!" Toga said cleaning her knife. "Alright calm it I get were all eaither clinically depressed or psychopaths but clam it" I said looking at my fellow league members. "As for Takami kurogiri can you open a portal to my room at the hideout?" I asked smiling softly. "Yeah I'm guessing your taking the bird with you?" Kurogiri asked. "Yeah, until further notice he's gonna stay in my room. I don't exactly trust toga after what she did with me when I joined." I said glaring at my female friend. "Wasn't my fault you where bleeding!" Toga said. "Toga I still dont trust you" I said sighing. "Besides I can keep a good eye on our hero here if he stays in my room" I said before dragging Keigo into the portal kurogiri opened.

~months later~

Over the time that Keigo stayed with the league I built a bond with the winged man. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a small crush on the male but I couldn't ruin my friendship with him. "Hey Keigo, say you where going to betray us would you have me arrested?" I asked as I scrolled through my phone. "Where did this come from y/n?" Keigo asked looking over at me. "I don't know, the thought scares me. I love you and I don't wanna lose you" I said before realizing I told him I love him. "Y/n you love me?" Keigo asked picking me up. "I-im sorry I shouldn't have said anything." I said turning my head.

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