A date in the clouds highschool Au

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I was sitting up in my room before school. I went a little too overboard with the training last night and ended up not being able to finish my homework before coming home and passing out. So here I am in my room before my alarm doing my homework so I didn't get my ass handed to me by my teacher. UA is a great school and all but god damn do I work my ass off. At least I get an escape with Keigo. We started dating our first year and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Keigo always reminds me not to over work myself while doing work outs or training. It's honestly just really sweet and he's really kind.

I look up from my work to check the time and see a good morning text from Keigo.

~Start of conversation~

Keigo 💕: good morning beautiful! How'd you sleep?

Me: Good morning birdbrain, I slept well! I overworked myself training last night so I slept well!

Keigo💕: baby, you gotta stop overworking yourself! You'll get hurt or you'll start failing classes!

Me: I'll be fine! Don't worry kei, I've gotta finish his homework from yesterday I'll see you at school!

Keigo 💕: alright love you, I'll see you later!

~end of conversation~

I smile to myself putting my phone down "if I get my work done I can take a shower before I have to leave, hopefully I'll be able to eat something as well" I sighed as I got back to work.


After I finished my work I got in the shower and got a quick shower. I dried my hair and styled it. I ran my fingers through my hair and quickly sat up on the counter to put my socks on. Once my socks were on I walked out of my bathroom and walked to the kitchen making some eggs. Once my eggs were done I sat down at the counter where my laptop sat. I opened my laptop and looked through some things for School and some potential hero agencies to work under during summer break. "Damn there are no agencies around here that are accepting student work studies or student sidekicks." I sighed as I closed my laptop to focus on eating.

~Time skip~

I put my laptop in my school bag and slipped my shoes on. I then walked to my front door and grabbed my house keys, I opened my front door and walked out to my patio. I locked my front door before catching sight of a pair of red wings fly down behind me "Woah wanted to dress pretty for me?" I heard a voice ask behind me. "You flatter yourself birdie i hope you know that" I laughed turning around to see keigo in his school uniform. "What can't I make jokes about how beautiful you are?" He asked, walking closer to me smiling like an idiot. "You know you look stupid, right?" I asked, shaking my head. "Yeah, I figured you would say that" he laughed taking my hand "come on we should start heading to school before we're late" 

~time skip~

Once we got to school we walked to close only to hear one of our classmates get into another fight "Jesus this is like his 4th fight this week!" I said watching the fight. "Yeah I'm surprised that kid hasn't gotten expelled yet!" Keigo added standing next to me. "Eraser is gonna kill that kid, at least today won't be boring" I joked as I stood against the locker hearing footsteps approaching the fight. "Speak of the devil" Keigo laughed as he watched mr. Aizawa walk towards the two kids. " shit this will be good" I smiled as moved slightly so I wasn't in the way. "Holy shit Aizawa looks pissed!" Keigo said moving next to me, he tucked his wings behind his back. 

As the two kids got sent to detention we all made our way to class for home room. As we walked into the classroom we made our way to our seats since everyone else was already there. "Where were you?!" My friend Izumi asked me. "There was a fight so me and Keigo go stopped by the hall traffic since everyone wanted to see what was going on" I laughed softly. "Seriously?!?" She asked looking suprised. "Yeah! I have a feeling one of our  classmates are being expelled though, it was his fourth fight this week!" I said as I pulled out my notebook. "That's crazy! Mr. Aizawa probably kicked his ass!" She laughed slightly as I nodded. "You should've seen how pissed he was! I thought he was gonna kill anyone who got caught in the traffic!" I smiled as Mr. Aizawa walks into the class room. "Alright settle down and take your seats." He said as he walked to the front of the room. 

~Time skip~

Once school was out me and Keigo started walking back to my house "Hey lovebird do you maybe wanna go on a small date tonight? Nothing special maybe just like a nice flight and a dinner on a mountain side near by" he asked as I leaned my head on his arm. "Yeah I'd love too! Is it a get nice and dressed up date?" I asked smiling softly as we walked. "Yeah we can do that! We can get all dressed up and look fancy." He smiled kissing my head.

We soon got to my house, I walked into my house and smiled giving Keigo a small kiss "I'll see you in an hour and half, love you." He smiled softly patting my head "I'll see you soon baby bird" He said as he flew off. I smiled to myself as I walked into my house, dropping my bag by the door.  "I'm so excited for this" I walked up stairs to get dressed up and do my makeup. I smiled to myself as i looked at myself in he mirror. "This is perfect" I ran my hands over the tight red dress. Once I was all ready walked down to the main area and sat on the couch waiting for Keigo to get here so we can go on our date. I scrolled through my phone as I waited for Keigo. 

The moment I heard the doorbell I basically jumped out of my seat and ran to the door. I opened it with a large smile "Hey!" He said as I opened the door. "Hey! I'm all ready to go" I said as I looked him up and down, he was in a black suit with a red dress shirt, is tie was black with small red feathers on them. "Nice suit kei, it looks good on you" I smiled softly as he just smiled "Aw I'm glad you like it lovebird! Now come on the site is already set up so come on let's get going!" He smiled as he held a hand out. I gladly took his hand and moved closer to him.

We once we go to the small mountain side I saw a cute little blanket that had fake candles, a basket full of food, a cooler full of drinks, and two small pillows to sit on. "Keigo this is so cute" I smiled as I looked at the area. "I thought you'd like it up here, it's really pretty and it's a great spot to star gaze" he said as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love it Keigo, this has to be the best date spot so far" I smiled as I looked back at him, placing a hand on his cheek as I looked back at him. "I'm glad you think that" He laughed clearly flustered.   

As the night went on I kept looking up at the stars to see the beautiful sight. "Lovebird, since there's school tomorrow I'll have to take you home soon. But I have one question to ask you" He laughed as he shuffled around in his seat. "Oh, what's that? And is everything okay Keigo? You look a little red" I said as I looked at him. "Well I know we're only in high school and it's way to early to propose and all that so I wanted to know if you'll accept this promise ring. I promise that once we are out of high school and we both have an agency I'll propose to you and we can have a nice small family together." He said as he pulled out a small promise ring from the inside pocket of his blazer. "Keigo... Of course you dumb bird" I smiled softly before we shared a small kiss under the star light sky.

Hey everyone! So I know this story is  very much geared twords woman and what not so I was wondering next chapter or a up coming chapter would you like to see a comfort for trans, comfort for nonbinary, or a comfort for men? Let me know!

Before I go id like to say that I'm hoping to put out more chapters when I get a chance. Chapters have been slow due to mental health and some personal issues. I'm gonna try and write as much as I can since I'll be going back to school Wednesday.  I love you all and I'll see you later! 💕

Hawks x reader oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora