Fall festival!

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The air was crisp and the leaves we're falling. Each step you took you get a sweet taste of the autumn air. The ground covered in red, orange, and yellow leaves that crunch under your feet. People of all ages walking around a beautiful Halloween festival. Stands and little pop up shops all through the festival for people to shop at. The that was sun setting gave off a beautiful warm glow to the air around the festival.

The pro hero Hawks or Keigo was with his girlfriend at the beautiful festival; Keigo dressed in a chicken onesie and y/n was dressed as her boyfriend in his hero costume. Y/n's costume was cute but also had real pieces of his hero costume such as his yellow sunglasses. Y/n's version of her boyfriend's costume was more soft and lighter than her boyfriends real costume. Keigo's onesie was pretty self explanatory, the hood has a little chicken face on it and the butt of the custom had a little tail on it. Keigo's wings tucked agents the soft fluffy fabric.

The couple we're walking into the festival hand in hand. The pro hero was so happy to be able to take his girlfriend to the festival. Usually the male wasn't able to get off to take y/n to the festival but since he kinda pissed off Endeavor he was given the day off. It was definitely last minute but it was so worth the look on y/n's face when Keigo asked her to go with him to the festival. "Thank you so much for bringing me Kei! I've wanted to go with you to this festival for years! Even before we were dating!" The smaller female said looking up at her taller boyfriend. "I've been wanting to take you for a long time Dove, I'm really happy I was able to take you this year" The pro hero said kissing the females head. "I'm really happy we were able to come this year too!"  The smaller female said smiling up at her much taller boyfriend. The loudness of the festival reminding the small woman of her high school days with her husband when they use to go to festivals all around the country for little dates. Those were always the girls favorite memories with her then boyfriend. "Kinda reminds me of high school" a laughed escaped the girls lips as she spoke. "Yeah it really does! Besides the endless amount of plushies all over your room" The pro hero laughed thinking of a time they didn't have many worried.

The two soon came to a stop seeing a roller coaster that Y/n had always wanted to go on since she saw it passing the festival years ago. "Keigo we need to go on that ride" the girl spoke pulling on her husbands sleeve. The hero laughed shaking his head at his wife's childish actions. "Alright, alright lovebird" the hero smiled softly as he dug in his pockets only to pull out $10. The perfect amount for the two of them to go on the ride. The girl impatiently looking up at her husband bouncing up and down. "Y/n calm down we still need to get in line" The pro hero let out a small chuckle as he placed a hand on his wife's shoulder to calm her down only to earn a small pout from the girl. 

The two got in line after paying to get into the line. Y/n's excitement being extremely visible to everyone that was standing around her. The closer they got to the front of the line the more the girl got exitcited. The leaves crunching under her as she jumps up and down. Keigo laughing at her before deciding to pick her up bridal style and holds her "Calm down lovebird" The pro said smiling softly at the woman in his arms. His wife smiled softly as she looks up at him "If your carrying me I might as well get comfortable to give my feet a break." She let out a content sigh as she spoke. Her voice always make Hawks mental smile even if he was crying. "Wow always using me as  a chair huh?" He asked his wings shuffling slightly since it had collected quite a few leaves that had fallen. "Says the one that has leaves all over him" Y/n said laughing as she pulled a leaf out of the males messy blonde hair. "Well damn I guess I'm covered in them" He laughs softly looking down at her "Guess today you'll be brushing out my wings" the hero laughed to himself as the girl runs her fingers through his hair. "I'll give your hair special treatment as well" she smiled up at him as they made to the front of the line. 

~Later at home~

Once the couple got home the winged hero went to shower so his wife could brush out his wings and hair since  they were filled with leaves and dirt. His shower was quick only washing his body, hair and wings to remove the dirt as well as any sweat or musky smell that might have grew over the day. Once he was done his quick shower he stepped out and dried himself off, the smile on his wife's face was worth it. Before he asked out he put on a pair of boxers and sweatpants. The look on his wife's face was exactly what he was hoping for when he walked out into their shared bedroom. Y/n was on the bed with his custom wing brush and his hair brush when he walked out of the bathroom. He smiled softly at his wife's actions "You're way too excited about this lovebird" the hero laughed shaking his head as he approached the bed. "Well duh! It's not everyday you let me touch your wings, the only time you let me touch your wings really is during sex" she laughed as she watched him. Once he reached the floor of the bed he sat down so his wings laid out on the bed. The girl smiled softly as she picked up his wing brush and gently started to brush out his wings, the brush picking up leaves, dirt, and  some small bugs that got caught in his wings. "Jesus Keigo, your gonna need to start doing deep cleans of your wings more often" Y/n laughed earning a emberessed nod from her husband. Y/n continues to brush out his wings until they were back to being soft and fluffy. "There! Now sit up pretty bird, I'll focus on your hair now" She smiled as she spoke. The winged hero nodded before ruffling his feathers so they're comfortable for him, he then sits up and looks back at her "Do me a favor and don't rip my hair out." He laughed earning a giggle from Y/n. She started by putting a small amount of leave-in conditioner in his hair and runs it through his hair with her fingers. She then grabs his hair brush and starts brushing through his hair.

It didn't take them long to at the end of the day and the end of all they did to be snuggled up in each other's arms.

"I love you songbird"
1226 words

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