Slow recovery

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Relationships suck. And the breakup is even worse cause then you have to deal with things such as trauma that carry over into the next relationship. Unfortunately that's just some the lingering affects of a toxic relationship. But for me there's Keigo to help me down from a slow and painful recovery. He's there for me in one of my episodes and always helps me when I need it.

"Babybird you have to eat, even just a small bite of ice cream or something sweet" I heard a voice call to me from the door way of our shared room. I was at my lowest right now, I had seen my Ex the other day and it sent me into the worse episode I've ever been in. It was awful, one minute we were walking down the street the next we were flying home and I was a shaking mess. What if he had seen us? What would he do to me if he found out I'm with keigo? "No thanks" I said pulling the covers over my head. Footsteps echoed through the room as keigo walked over to the bed. "Y/n their not going to hurt you whole I'm at your side." He sighed keeling by the bed. "You're my love bird and I wouldn't let anyone change that." He said trying to look at my face. "I know but kei but you weren't in that relationship, I was pushed away from my friends because of how controlling be was" I said my voice was low and horse from crying. I could feel a hug and a set of wings set around me "yet, you're not alone anymore" he said pulling the covers down to reveal my face. "You do have to deal with this alone anymore, you're valid and how you deal with trauma is valid." He said kissing the top of my head. I was crying by then, of course keigo had told me this in the past but it felt different this time. More sincere, more lovingly. A smile soon spread across my face as I moved to hug him. "I love you" I whispered resting my head on his shoulder.  "I love you too babybird" he said smiling "get some sleep, I'll be right here take all the time you need to recover from that shitty relationship." He said flopping down next to me. I nodded smiling before snuggling into him.


It has been a few weeks since my episode and I'm slowly starting to get better, keigo had convinced me to see a therapist Therapy had scared me for years because of my last relationship, being brainwashed into thinking they were going to tear me and that person away. After one of my therapy sessions we were waking home when we saw my ex again. Fear filled my body as he noticed me. A sinister green spread across his face as he stared walking our way. "Keigo, we need to leave right now. I don't care if we fly we need to go now" I said like a kid pulling on their mothers shirt. He looked visually confused before noticing the figure walking this way. "Come here Babybird hold on tight" he said wrapping his arms around me and taking off.

We flew back to the penthouse the whole time keigo spent reassuring me. I knew everything was going to be okay, he couldn't follow us in the air after all. Still hr would find a way to figure out where we live just to make my life hell. I'm facing my fears and I'm doing great at it. Keigo looked down at me before we landed at the penthouse. He bent down and and cupped my cheeks in his hands gently. I smiled softly placing my hand on his hands "I'm okay" I said smiling at him. "How are you so strong?" He asked tilting his head like a bird. I laughed shaking my head before I let go of his hands and quickly wrap my hands around his neck for a hug. "I couldn't be strong without my birdbrain" I said smiling feeling his arms around me.

"It may be a slow recovery but I'll be you're angel lovebird"

710 words

Short chapters but I wrote this after reading comments. I don't know why I decided toxic relationships for it but I like how this chapter turned out, even without editing it right away.
I love you all!

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