Chapter Way Over Due...

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Sid slowly ate her almost soggy cereal as she watched her tired mother sip her morning coffee. She knew that her aunt was constantly on her mind. " Mama..."

Tracy turned a tired smile to her daughter, "Yes baby?"

Sid pursed her lips to the side and sighed, "Why won't you guys wake up aunt Cassie?"

Her mother wrinkled her brow, "Well.. Sid.. Aunt Cassie's mind can't.. Her mind.. Well.. it's broken.."

"Oh.." Sid looked down in defeat, but quietly thought to herself. Her mom felt bad for being blunt, until she heard her response, "Well.. Did you set her alarm??? To wake up??"

Tracy was about to take a sip of coffee until she heard her daughters comment, "What?? "

Sid took a big bite of cereal and spewed a little bit of milk onto the table as she spoke, "Well.. How can she wake up.. If she doesn't hear the alarm... I'll keep dreaming.. Even after I can hear you call me. I think it's still a dream, but when I hear that damn new alarm clock you bought.." Sid stopped after she noticed her mom's questionable brow, "Sorry.. new alarm clock .. I wake right up.."

Tracy sat in disbelief as she listened to her daughters, ridiculous, but possible idea, "Ha..."
Sid slightly smirked as she chewed her cereal. Tracy snapped out of her daze, "Hurry up, or you're going to be late.."


Tracy stood and stared what seemed like forever at Sids alarm clock, (What do you have to loose??) She pursed her lips and quickly shoved it into her purse.


Tracy could never get use to the sight of her sweet, pregnant sister's state. She gently squeezed her hand as she spoke to her, "Cass, I'm going to try to wake you... Please forgive me if this hurts..."

Cassandra continued to lay in silence with no movement or reaction to her sisters voice. Tracy sighed to herself, "You're fucking crazy.. but .. " She looked to Cassandra, "She would not give up on you.."

She plugged the clock into an outlet and set the time. Her heart was beating a million miles a minute as she set the clock to go off in one minute. The minute seemed like forever. She jumped at the high pitch, and annoying sound. Tracy grasped Cassandra's hand and waited as the alarm went off. After a minute and no response, Tracy's disappointment was creeping in.

One of Cassandras nurses came in, "What is going on in here?"

Tracy turned her sad expression to the nurse to answer, but suddenly gasped. She quickly looked down to Cassandra's hand and noticed her pointer finger was barely twitching. "Oh my God! Cass! It's me Tracy!"

The nurse stepped closer to investigate, her eyes widened when she noticed the slight movement. "That's impossible..."

Tracy kept on with her encouragement, "Cass.. Do you hear the alarm?? It's time to wake up!!  Wake up Cass! Please!!"

" I'm going to find the doctor on call.." The nurse quickly ran out the room to complete her mission.

Tracy had tears of joy as Cassandra started  to move more fingers in response .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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