That God Damn Day.

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TW: bullying

We were best friends. Grew up on the same street and started to play together when we were kids. We had crazy adventures. I even met his older brother Remus who would tease us the odd time. We even went to the same schools, all the way up to high school. Still. Still we were best friends. I told him everything about me, even the deepest darkest secrets of my life. He knew everything about me and I knew everything about him, so I thought. My name is Virgil Storm. I am the guy who thought he had a great person in their life and I was extremely wrong.

I'm talking about none other than Roman Adams himself. We met when I was 5 and he was 6, from that moment on we were inseparable. We hung out everyday after school. We had sleepovers nearly every weekend. We did everything together, even in school! We went to the same schools and stuck with each other. Roman knew everything there was to know about me. He knew every detail about me. I told him it because I trusted him with my life. He was the first to know I was gay and I later found out so was he. When the first year of high school ended I knew I felt differently about him. I couldn't make out what it was. Then I realised I was in love with him. Of course I knew he wouldn't be interested in this anxious,emo,mess of a person but I was wrong.

Later that year he confessed to me and said he loved me and he wanted to be with me everyday. I told him my feelings were exactly the same and he asked me to be official and then we started dating. It was my first relationship of course cuz ya know, nobody would want me but he did. Everything was great for us we had great times together and it was going smoothly. Then Roman started picking up popularity. He was the guy everyone liked. He had everyone's eyes on him. He made new friends, the twins, John and Ava. They seemed nice but when they found out about Roman and I, they started to hate me.

I get that I'm not the greatest guy and I'm never gonna be but Ava and John seemed really pissed at me when Roman told it to them that we were dating. It started off as getting these looks then it went to pushing me in the halls, punching me a lil hard (I'm sensitive) and then it got the the verbal and physical bullying. This was really my first bully experience because Roman always stood up for me in the past experience but I didn't tell him about this one. Why? He's think I was lying and then dump me on the spot, I really didn't want that and I never did.

If I was with Roman and then they'd act like everything was fine between us, like they didn't do a single thing but as soon as Roman left things took a different turn. I knew I couldn't speak out to anyone about it so I let it happen.

Some of the things they'd say to me like "He doesn't love you," would send me crying my eyes out in my bedroom when I got home. I knew they were lying but at the same time I believed them and I found out they were right.

On that god damn day.

Hey there! This is a short lil chapter but they will get longer I promise but it's short cuz I'm starting off the story! Also on the bullying topic if you are being bullied don't be afraid to speak out to someone and if you have nobody there for you my dms are always open and I'll listen and try support you in any way. Bullying isn't good for mental state trust me I know how it can affect you so don't suffer you are valid and you are loved💓Thanks for reading this chapter I love you guys

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