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Virgils PoV

I slowly began to wake up and my eyes opened but then I woke up with the biggest headache. "Of course" I groaned.

I didn't get that much sleep mainly because I was up all night on YouTube, Tumblr and Instagram but also because of the chat I had with my mom last night.

I turned over to check the time and of course it made my head worse. This is why you should sleep Virgil! I'm so stupid. What can I say? Watching videos of people playing games is fun and is quite addicting so I guess it wasn't the worst. It is annoying when I'm going to get up and go do something.

Should I get up? I mean I'm not doing anything...five more minutes. Yeah... just...a little..longer

A little while later




"Virgil you need to get up,"

Huh? I opened my eyes and seen my mother standing over me. She was slightly shaking me to awaken me. I looked at her and tried to focus on my surroundings. Eventually my eyes adjusted.

"Finally, you are awake haha"

"What time is it?"

"It's nearly 12 in the afternoon!"

"Oh. I guess I slept in."

"You must have been tired, you haven't slept in that long since you were 10!"

"Yeah, I was tired."

"Well, I'll let you freshen up and then you can come and get breakfast!"

"Ok mom,"

She then left my room while I still was laying down on my bed staring at my ceiling once again. I sat up and let out a sigh. I just want today to be a normal day for once. I want to escape the pain of reality for a while, but I'm not even sure if that's possible anymore. Not with my life anyway. I stood up out of bed and went and pulled out my clothes for today. As per usual it's nothing exciting, what's the point of putting effort into how I look? There is none.
I pulled on some black jeans, a grey tshirt, my black and white converse and then my signature black hoodie with purple patches on it. I then went to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I went over to the mirror and stared at myself for a while. God I look disgusting. Why I can't I be like the rest? I guess someone had to be the gross one, that one is me. I pulled out my eyeliner from my pocket and gave myself under-eye eyeliner. I then quickly brushed my teeth and then went to the kitchen to get a small snack for breakfast.
I got to the kitchen and my mom was there washing dishes she had already used.

"Would you like me to make you something V?"

"No it's fine, I can get something,"

"That's alright dear just let me know if you need me to get you something,"

"Thanks but I'll just have toast,"

"Are you sure? Aren't you hungry?"

"No, not really,"

"Oh alright then but if you need more food make yourself some!"

"I will,"

I opened up the cupboard and the loaf of bread and took a slice from it. I then set it in the toaster and waited for it to pop up when it was complete. Soon it lightly popped up and I grabbed it and set it out on a plate. I went over to the fridge and took out the butter, then I took a knife from the drawers. I got a small amount of the butter on my knife and spread it onto the crispy toast. I put the knife down and sat down at the small table in the kitchen and ate my breakfast in peace. I took small-slow bites of my toast and scrolled through Instagram to see what everyone was doing, but it was just the same old stuff that everyone was posting. It's always posts of parties, events, friends or pictures of themselves with those cheesy captions. I set my phone down and then finished up my toast. I cleaned up the items I had used and cleaned up so I didn't leave any extra cleaning for my mom, I don't want to add more work onto her. She already has a lot on her plate, well she always does.

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