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Patton's PoV

I was sitting with Logan in my dorm, Virgil wasn't there at the minute because he had gone out. We were just sitting enjoying each other's company but then Virgil comes back. I was going to say "hi" to him but he rushed to his room straight away and stayed in there. Logan and I both looked at each other in confusion.

"What was that about?"

"I'm not sure Lo, do you think he's ok?"

"Possibly but I'm not sure,"

"Should I go see if he's ok?"

"In a moment dear, he just got back and if something did happen he might want space,"

"Good idea Logan,"

Virgils PoV
I sat on the floor, crying my eyes out. I don't even have the effort to at least sit or a chair or my bed! I hate everything so much! This proves there is no except from him! Wait. If he's here he is studying something, right? What is he studying? Probably performing arts knows him. I wanted to speak to someone about this but I knew I couldn't. My mom is on a trip right now and I don't want to annoy her, Patton and Logan are spending time together and I also don't wanna annoy them! Uh! I hate this! I wish I never seen his dumb face!

I never thought I'd see him again and I never wanted to see him again. Words cannot express my hate for him after what he did, he didn't even give me an apology or explanation! Who does that? Messed up people do and by that I mean Roman. At least I learned a lesson, don't trust anyone as much as I trusted him because you don't know what they are really like. That's why I'm careful about who I talk to.

I wiped my tears away and stayed sitting down so I could try relax. Did it work? Of course it didn't. I started thinking about it. Will he see me? Will he speak to me? Is he with someone new? Will he apologise? Will he recognise me? Does he know I'm here? Is he staying in a dorm? I overthought every single thing about this, I hate when I do this. I can't stop it. It's one of the reasons I don't like myself.

Knock knock!

Someone was at my door. I made sure I tried to look alright then told him to come in. It was Patton.

"Hey Patton,"

Pattons PoV
I decided now was a good time to see if Virgil was ok after all he hasn't came out of his room for the past twenty minutes. He's probably fine but I still like to check if he's ok. Usually he says "hi" or speaks to us without rushing away but tonight was the opposite. I went over to his door and knocked on it. He told me to come in and he greeted me.

"Hey Vir- Oh my goodness are you ok?!"

I looked down and he was sitting on his floor in a ball. He didn't look like he was ok. You could tell he was crying, his eyes were red and watery, plus he was wearing makeup and it had ran down his face from the tears. I went over to him and sat beside him to see what was going on.

"Yeah I'm fine Patton,"

"Are you sure? You don't look ok?"

"Yep why wouldn't I be?"

"Virgil I can tell you are upset and have been crying?"

"I haven't been crying what do you mean?"

"Your eyeliner has ran down your face,"


"What happened Virgil? I'm here to try help you as well as being your friend,"

He took a deep breath in and looked down.

"He's here,"

"Who's here?"

"My ex, Roman, the one I told you guys about,"

"Is that the guy who cheated on you?"


"Do you want to explain what happened?"

"Just after I messaged you I decided to go back here. When I got here I seen this person who had a bunch of stuff with them. I was going to see if they needed help for some reason! Like I never do that with anyone! What was I thinking!? As I got closer they turned around and I seen it was Roman. After that I got pretty overwhelmed and came here straight away."

I leaned over to him and gave him a hug. I know Virgil hasn't had a good past with his ex Roman. He really hurt Virgil. When Virgil told us about Roman you could see he was hurt and didn't like the thought of Roman.

"I'm sorry to hear that Virgil but don't worry you have me and Logan. I know you haven't known us for a long time like the way you know Roman but we will do our best to help you out anytime and support you!"

"Thanks Patton,"

"Plus if Roman was to annoy you again or do something to you we will make sure you are ok and he doesn't do anything wrong again,"

"Thank you Patton it's good to know I have you guys, also same to you. I'lol be here for you too,"

"Thank you Virgil, try not think about all of this too much,"

"I'll try,"

I gave him one last hug and left his room. I went back to Logan and told him I helped Virgil with a problem but I didn't say what, to respect Virgil's privacy. We sat together watching the rest of the film. Once the film was over Logan said he was going to go back to his dorm. We said goodbye to each other and then he sadly left. I miss him when he goes, even though I see him the next morning but I understand he needs his peace too and sleep. I went to my room and texted Logan a Goodnight message, then went to sleep.

Logans PoV
I went back to my dorm and was about to go to my room then I realised there were bags outside the other bedroom's door. That's right. Someone moved into my dorm today and I don't even know who. I looked over at the bedroom's door and heard footsteps coming to it. Soon a tall, brown eyed, light-brown haired male came out of it. They lifted their bags and then looked over at me.

"Hey there,"


"Don't worry I didn't break in here, I just moved in here,"

"I'm aware of that, I was told someone was moving in here. Anyway my name is Logan Sharp,"

"Nice to meet you Logan!"

"And you are?"

"I'm the one and only Roman Adams."

Words not including a/n :1116
Hey I'm back again :) I was gone cuz I was pretty busy but I'm back after a while and hopefully you guys like this so far because I am enjoying it! I cannot wait to write more of this because it is my favourite fanfic I've wrote. Anyway have a great day🤍

I took down some of my old fanfics because I hated them so much so at the moment this and a couple others are up right now.

Stay safe <333

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