Hey There Kiddo!

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I stood out my dorm door for a while. I heard voices but they were slightly faded so I couldn't make out what was going on. I took a deep breath in and tried to bring myself to go in. You can do it. It won't be so bad right? They will be nice to you. They won't do things to you. Eventually I put the key in and opened the door. I kept my head down so i didn't meet eyes with anyone. I shut the door behind me and looked up. Then my eyes met then a male around my height with glasses and light brown hair. He caused me to jump because I didn't expect him there, duh. He gave me a smile and introduced himself.

"Hey there kiddo! I'm Patton Hart!"

"H-hi I'm Virgil Storm,"

"Oooo cool name! Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too."

"So what do you study here?"


"Woah that's cool! I study Social Work!"

"You like socialising?"

"Yeah! I love meeting new people and speaking to them!"

"My anxiety wouldn't let me do that,"

"We are all different kiddo! Anyway I hope we can be friends!"


I looked around the room and noticed there was another guy in the room with us. Am I in the wrong dorm? I don't think I am? This was the room I was given,right? I tried not to think about it but then Patton introduced him.

(Patton speaks normally)
(Logan speaks in italics)
(Virgil is in bold)

"Oh Virgil! I forgot to introduce you to Logan!"


He was sitting on the couch and he waved over to me. I waved back at him and gave a small smile. He had dark brown hair, glasses and looked pretty tall.

"My name is Logan Sharp, pleasure to meet you. I am a student here and I study Computer Science"

"He is my boyfriend I'm sorry if that weirds you out kiddo,"

"Nah I'm fine with it if you are talking about being worried you dating the same gender I don't judge, you have my support,"

"Aw thats sweet kiddo! He comes over sometimes to visit since we have separate dorms and ."

"That's cool"

"Oh come with me I need to show your room!"

I walked over about literally ten steps from where I was to my room. The dorms weren't that big, well ours wasn't.  It wasn't a problem, what do you expect? We are students they won't give us anything big or fancy. We walked into my bedroom and it was actually bigger than I thought it would be. It had a bed,desk,drawers and wardrobe already there for me so all I really had to do was unpack. Patton told me that he was told we could decorate the dorm in anyway way we like as long as we don't destroy things or repaint walls. It seemed pretty good, I had a few ideas I wanted to do for my room so I could decorate it the way I want. He left me to unpack and then went back to Logan.

I sat my bags down on the floor and pulled out my phone to call my mum quickly to left her know what it's like so far.

"Hello V!"

"Hey mum,"

"How is it going?"

"It's good I got here ok, I got my dorm and met a few people,"

"Already making good progress! Do you have a dorm mate?"

"Yeah his name is Patton, he was here before me with his boyfriend Logan,"

"That seems nice, have you unpacked?"

"Not yet I'm going to soon,"

"Ok make sure to eat and stay hydrated after you do,"

"I will mum don't panic,"

"I'm not just making sure my son is doing good,"

"Thanks I'm going to get unpacked now mum,"

"Ok love you V text me later!"

" ok I love you too,"

I hung up and got to getting my stuff out. I got everything out and organised it somehow so everything was put away in places I knew it was. I hung up my clothes in the wardrobe, set my cosmetics in a drawer and I put everything in the other drawers and finished up. I sat on my bed for a while and took a nap because I was pretty tired.

A few hours later

I woke up and it was nearly 5pm. Dang I slept in a lot. I sat up and scrolled through social media for a while seeing why other people's lives are better than mine. Eventually I got up and went to the living area. Logan had left and Patton was in his room so I was the only one there. I decided I needed to eat because I was hungry and I hadn't much to eat today. I went over to the kitchen area and seen what there was. After a while of looking I decided on noodles. I love noodles they are the best. I cooked them up and they tasted amazing! I'm like Gordon Ramsay of noodles. I finished up and went and washed the dishes and then put them away by that time Patton was out of his room and talked to me. We decided to get to know each other better and that seemed like a good idea especially cuz we just met a few hours ago.

Ayo im back after like a day I got bored and I'm feeling a lil better! Woah Virgil meets Logan and Patton! Oooo the next chapter will have a lil logicality moments in it! Anyway I love you guys and I hope you like this so far💓

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