What is His Intentions?

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Virgils pov still

I got off the bus and walked in the pouring rain to my mum's house. I put the hood on my hoodie up to cove my from the rain. I don't mind the rain that much. The noise from it can calm me down sometimes but it also changes my mood to the 'I'm going to cry about everything Virgil'. I kept walking, stepping in a few shallow puddles on the way and then got there. I knew my mother was in. I could see the lights from the living room shine through the windows and her car was parked in the driveway. I took a few more steps then knocked in the door twice and waited for her. I could hear faintly through the door sounds of footsteps and then the door opened.

"Virgil dear!"

"Hey mom"

"Oh I've missed my beautiful son so much,"

She pulled me into one of her warm hugs and then let me go.

"I missed you too mom,"

"Come inside already you are soaked!"

She lead the way inside to the living room and I took a seat. I took of my hoodie and grabbed one of my old ones I still had at the house. I put it on and it was way better than being in a wet one. My mom decided to make me a cup of coffee to heat me up a lot since she was worried I'd catch a cold.

She came out of the kitchen and handed me my coffee an then took a seat beside me.

"It's been a while since I've seen you!"

"It was only a couple of weeks I'll be back next weekend,"

"I know I know it's different not seeing your son everyday,"

"It's only for a few years you'll see me more after,"

"Good I need to make sure my baby is ok!! Talking about that how is collage? What's been going on?"

"Quite a lot" I sighed.

"What's been going on dear? Is everything alright?"

"Nope why would it be?!"

"What happened Virgil?"

"Someone at my college,"

"Are you being bullied?"


"Then what's happening?"

"It's...its the person there that I don't like... He's the worst,"

"Why don't you like him,?"

"Because it's Roman mom."

She froze and looked at me.

Virgil's mom pov

Oh my. Roman. I haven't heard that name in an extremely long time. He broke my son's heart and left him in the worse, depressive state I have ever seen Virgil in. It changed Virgil. Virgil looked him with all his heart and he trusted him with his life but then Roman went and broke V's heart. I couldn't of felt so sorry for him. Virgil has had a very tough time and that didn't help him at all. Seeing him upset and not being himself made me sad as his mother. Virgil didn't deserve any of that but the world is extremely cruel and it was to my amazing son Virgil.

I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him closer to me and held him for a while. I could see he was upset based on his facial expression and his body language.

"Oh Virgil, you don't mean Roman Adams,"

"I do mean him."

"Virgil has he spoke to you?"


"What has he said?"

"Not a lot. I never listened,"

"Did he apologise?"

"I don't know anymore with him. He's tried to speak to me a few times but I've just left."

"Did you talk to your friends about this?"

"Well kinda. I cant anymore,"


"Roman is with them,"

"Do they know what he did?"

"Yeah Patton and Logan know. They were supportive about it,"

"That's nice dear but why are they with him then?"

"Roman is Logan's dorm mate,"

"Oh. Well Virgil have you ever thought of, you know..?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well have you thought about maybe having a chat with him?"

"Roman?! Are you crazy?!"

"I know it might seem like a bad idea.."

"It might?! It is!"

"Hear me out dear just talk to him for a couple minutes about everything and what he has to say. He might apologise to you and give you what you need to hear,"

"Mum! I am not going near him at all! He...He destroyed my life! I don't care if he'd apologise I don't want to ever go near his stupid face again or hear a word from his dumb mouth!"

"I know it might seem out of this world but have a think about it Virgil you could get the closure you need. He hurt you extremely dear and I just want you to feel better again. I want you to feel happy and have a great time at college. You shouldn't let him ruin it sweetheart."

He sighed and didn't speak after that. He hugged into me and I held him close to me to give him the comfort he needs. I know how much this broke him. Roman was a charming boy every time I seen him. He felt like a member of this family. He made my son happy and that was all that mattered to me, you see Virgil smile. Then I guess we were all wrong. He changed and changed my son as well. It's truly heartbreaking for me, Virgil's mother to go through. I just want him to be happy.

"Sweetheart you should go rest for a while. You seemed quite stressed with everything so go lie down for a few hours and relax dear. You need it Virgil."

"I guess you're right,"

He got up and walked to the kitchen to leave the empty coffee cup he had. Then he walked back and gave me a hug. I planted a kiss on his forehead to show him I'm always going to be here with him. He turned to go to his old room.

"See you in a while mom,"

"Sweet dreams son."

He went up to his room and shut the door behind him. I wonder what Roman is trying to get at with Virgil. What's he studying? Is he doing what he did in the past? He better not. Doing it once was extremely bad as it was. A second time is definitely not needed. Virgil hasn't been himself since. I just hope his intentions aren't bad. He needs to treat Virgil like an actual person, who is like the rest of us. Yes Virgil is different from some people but that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with him. We are all human! He just needs to show him that he is sorry and try to respect him.

Ahhh this chapter hurt 🥲🥲
(don't worry there is more angst that should be coming up,,,hopefully)
Anyway sorry for not updating in a month I had a lotttt of stuff going on but it's starting to stop now so hopefully more updates coming soon :D

Also it's spooky season! Happy Holidays fellow emos🎃🖤

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