A Fresh Start

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Heads up! So you may know I'm from the U.K. and Thomas is American, this fic is based around their college lives. The U.K. education system is the only one I know (idk the American one) so it will be based off my knowledge and if that's confusing I apologise!

Today is the day I start college. I'm studying animation there for a couple of years. I'm 16 now so I'll be 18 when I am done. I signed up for a dorm at the college because I feel like it will be fun and a good time for me. Dorms have to be shared with one other person so I'll be stuck with someone else. Great! I hope they aren't annoying. In the dorm there is 2 small bed rooms,a bathroom with a living room and kitchen connected. It seemed like a risk worth taking. I eventually got an email saying that I did get a dorm and when I get to college I need to head to a certain place so I can get my key.

It was 7:30am in the morning and the college I'm going to are giving us a day off so we can settle in and 'socialise' with others,but we will be working tomorrow.  I got dressed quickly and started making sure I had everything I needed packed. I had clothes,my toothbrush,toothpaste, books,art supplies,headphones and few other extras. I think everything is there.

I went down to get some food to eat before I left. My mum was already awake to make sure I was ok and had everything I needed. She is honestly really supportive of my life decisions. She has always been there for me when I needed it most and she helped me move on from the whole situation. I sat down and eat some toast for my breakfast.

"Morning V how are you doing?"

"I'm ok mum,"

"You excited?"


"That's good! You'll do great!"

"Thanks I hope I do,"

"Don't worry about things too much you will get great grades and pass everything! Also did you pack everything?"

"Yeah everything is in,"

"Good when are you going to leave?"

"Probably in 15 minutes,"

"Ok I'll let you get ready but come see me before you leave!"

"Don't worry I'm not leaving before I say goodbye,"

I finished up and got everything ready. I put my shoes on and grabbed my bag. I wasn't too far from the college,it was around a 15 minute drive from where we live. I ran back to see my mum before I left. She gave me a tight hug when I met her.

"I'm going to miss you Virgil,"

"I'm going to miss you too,"

"Make sure to stay safe,"

"I will."

"If you need anything or you want to come home ring me,"

"Don't worry I'll be fine."

"Good, I love you V,"

"I love you too mum,"

Next thing you know I was off on my journey. I had to get a bus to the college,yay social anxiety! I went to the bud stop and waited. It arrived around 5 minutes later, I got on and found a seat not close to anyone so I could relax a bit. I looked out the window the whole way there. We passed a bunch of shops,cars and villages. While I was on the bus my mum was texting me to see if I was on. I knew she was a but anxious for me and I was too. I am her only kid so it's something new for her and she doesn't even have anyone at home for her. When I was 3 my mum found out my dad had been using her for money and was cheating on her with her cousin. She divorced him as soon as she could. My dad obviously didn't want me but my mum did and she gave me a great childhood, something he could never give.

Eventually I snapped out of my family thought and realised my stop was next. I got ready to go and lifted my things. I reached my stop and started walking to the college. It was only a little bit away from me so I didn't have to walk much. I seen it come into sight. Woah! This place is big! In the pictures it don't look as big as it was in person. I felt tiny beside it ,maybe because I'm 5'3 but still! I found the doors eventually and went to the reception area I needed to be to get my key. As I was walking I could see other students in groups talking and laughing. Are they laughing at me? Keep walking Virg! I found the place where I had to be and went to get my key. The woman there was pretty helpful she gave me my key and told me how to get there. I said thanks and headed to my dorm. I looked and I was in dorm 320. Jeez how many dorms are there in this place? I went to the third floor and found the dorm. I heard a voice inside. I forgot I was sharing a dorm. Oh no.

I'm alive! I got out of surgery and it went ok. I wrote this chapter a little longer so yay for me! I won't be updating a lot cuz I need rest and I have online class :,) I'll be writing in the next 3 days or so it's not that long but thanky for reading I love you guys💓

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