Going Away

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Virgils POV (the next day

Did I get a lot of sleep last night? Nope. Did I spend the night crying and overthinking because of a certain guy? Yes I did. I finally got to sleep at 5:30 in the morning and it is now 7:45am. Great. I slowly opened my eyes and then shut them straight away because of the amount of light there was and my eyes were still stinging a bit for crying. I kept my eyes shut and I pulled the covers over my head. I really don't want to get up. He knows I'm here, he knows my friends and he knows where my dorm is. He could turn up at any second but he wouldn't want to come here anyway. He knows how much I hate him and I know he doesn't care about me either so what's the point of wasting my time being around him. I need to stay away from him at all costs. I doubt that he will be near me but I'm still going to make sure that he isn't there.

I reached over to my table and picked my phone up. I scrolled through my Instagram for a while, looking at everyone else's exciting life. A lot of people I followed were either people I knew from high school or just some other people I decided to follow and most of them posted pictures of them hanging out with their friends, doing these really cool things and enjoying everything. Why can't I have a life like that? I guess someone had to have the messed up life and that someone had to be me.

I sat up from my bed and rubbed my eyes. I got out of my comfortable bed and went to the bathroom to get a quick warm shower, brush my teeth and just clean myself. Once I was finished I went back to my room once more with a towel wrapped around me. I then looked at the options of clothes I have for today. I don't really care what I wear as long as it's comfortable and my style so I just went for black jeans, white and black striped T-shirt with black and white converse.

A few minutes later

I just stayed in my room until I had to go to class. I had nothing better to do. To be honest I have nothing good to do anymore, nothing is fun it's all just boring. I heard Patton and Logan in the living area of the dorm that's outside of my room. I was going to go say hi but then I realised that he could be there with them since he is Logan's dorm mate and he was with them yesterday. So I stayed in my room just to make sure I can avoid him at all costs and avoid talking about him.

After a few minutes I heard them leave the dorm leaving me on my own. I looked at the time and class was about to start in a few minutes so I grabbed my bag and everything I needed for class before leaving. I left the dorm and shut the door behind me then began walking the busy halls filled with students and staff trying to get to where they had to be. I didn't like the amount of people that was surrounding me. I knew some of them was looking at me, I could feel their eyes on me and I hated every single second of it. I sped up quickly so I could just get to class and sit at the back and not draw any attention to myself. Sometimes I wish I could just be invisible, nobody would ever see me or know what I was doing, they'd just forget about me but sadly that isn't going to happen anytime soon.

Eventually I got to my class as usual there were a lot of people already there before me chatting with others or just on their own. As soon as I walked in I searched for a seat at the back and luckily there was one left in the back corner. I walked over to it and sat down claiming it for today. Then I got my laptop and all of my things I need for the lesson out because class was starting. Here goes another few boring hours of my life. I just can't wait to go back to my bed once this is over.

After class finished

Finally. Class is over for today and it's over for the week. I think I might visit my mom for the weekend since she's back from her job trip. I can tell her everything that has happened in the past few hours. I walked out of the classroom and then lifted my head up to look around. I seen Logan,Patton and Roman ahead of me. Roman was talking to Logan while Patton just listened. I stood around for a while until they went of my sight and then once I seen they were gone I started walking to my dorm. Once I got there and was the only one there at the time. I walked into my room and sat all my class work and my bag down safely and grabbed another bag to pack a few things before going to see my mom. Once I had everything I got a piece of people and wrote a note to leave here to let Patton know I won't be here. The note said:

Hey Patton, I'm going away for the weekend to see my mom again plus I want to be away from here for a while. See you when I'm back! - Virgil

I set the note of the table of the living area so he could see it when he got back. I left the dorm and put my headphones on and played some music to listen to. I walked down to the bus stop and waited 5 minutes before getting on it. Next stop home.

Hey I'm back again sorry for the break I had a lot of issues going on and was rlly stressed so I'm trying to write again! Sorry it is short 🤍

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