The First Week

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Virgils PoV

It is finally Friday! I can now relax for a couple of days then start working again. I decided to visit my mom for the weekend because I haven't seen her in a few days and she isn't away from me normally, that really doesn't help with my separation issues but at least I'm seeing her. I'm staying over tonight and Saturday then coming back on Sunday. I won't be there for long but it will be nice to see her. I don't even need to pack much because some of my stuff still is at home but I'm still being a few things with me. I got one of my backpacks and put a few things in and then texted my mom to let her know I'm leaving.


Hey mom I'm getting
ready to leave now

Yay! Cannot wait to see you!

Me too
I miss being home

I know, it's weird living
on my own without you

Yeah sorry about that

Don't be sorry Virgil!
It's perfectly fine!

You sure?

Of course don't worry
about me I'll be fine

Ok but I can come home if
you need me to through the week

Aw that's sweet Virgil
but only come home when you want to
Don't worry about this now
get ready I need to see you!

Ok I'll see you soon
Love you🤍

Love you too🤍

I checked my room to see if I'm missing something then I was ready to go. Patton was in the living room reading and I forgot to tell him where I was going so I had to let him know incase he thinks I'm dead or missing.

"Hey Patton,"

"Hey Virgil! First week is over!"

"Yeah it is wasn't so bad,"

"True! Any weekend plans?"

"Yeah that's what I came to tell you, I'm going to visit my mom for a couple days but I'll be back on Sunday,"

"Oo that's cool! Have a good time!"

"Thanks Patton I will,"

"Bye Virgil!"

"Bye Patton,"

I walked out of the dorms and through the halls to the exit. There was a few people about but I didn't really look at them. I walked to the bus stop and sat down at on the bench there. I put my headphones in and put on my playlist of shuffle then googled when my bus would be here. It was only five minutes away so that's something.It arrived then I sat down and just looked out the window listening to my music. We made a bunch of stops for everyone to get on and off and luckily my stop was next. I got ready to leave and grabbed my bag. The bud stopped and I got off, the walk to my house wasn't far so it isn't a big walk. I walked to our house and then knocked on the door. When I did I heard a faint "come in" from inside. I walked in and was greeted by my mom give me a big hug.

"Hello Virgil!"

"Hey mom,"

"It's so good to see you again,"

"Yeah I missed you,"

"Aw I missed you too, go put your stuff away and come back down so I can speak to you,"


I went to my room and sat down on my bed for a second. I've missed this place and it's only been 5 days. I don't really like being away from home because I worry and get anxious incase something was to happen there or with my mom. I sat my bag on my bed and then opened it to organise my stuff. Once I put my stuff away I went down to the living room to sit and talk with my mom.

"So how are you today V?"

"I'm good,"

"That's good to hear, how is college?"

"It's going ok, I thought it would be worst,"

"Ooo what's it like studying animation,"

"It's really fun, we've been doing a few small animations,"

"Woah you are very artistically talented,"

"Thanks mom,"

"So any new friends?"

"Yeah I have two,"

"Ooo that's awesome who are they?"

"Patton and Logan,"

"That's nice,"

She give me this stare and sat a little closer to me and said "are you interested in one of them?".

"What? No they are dating!"

"Oops but is there anyone in college that's caught your eye?"

"Nobody yet, I hardly know anyone,"

"Ok just checking if I have a future son in law that I don't know about,"

"Don't worry if I was with someone I'd tell you,"

"That's good but I'm glad college is going well for you,"

We talked about things that's happened with us for a while then we got something to eat and watched a movie.  We watched Mulan then went to our rooms to sleep. Before we slept we said we'd go somewhere tomorrow to spend time together.

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