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Pattons PoV

I headed back to the bench where Logan and Roman where, while on my way I was taking in the outdoor surroundings, trying to distract myself from worrying about Virgil. Of course the situation is complicated but still! I have to keep my hopes somewhat high and try at least calm the tension between Virgil and Roman even just a little bit! The sun shone, the birds chirped in harmony but yet I still wasn't in my element. I need to fix this for them but how? It won't be easy! Gosh why is life so complicated at times!

I walked over to the other two and sat back down once again. The pair looked over at me and gave me a smile but I could tell there was confusion about where the other was since I returned alone. I thought it would be a good idea if I pretended like Virgil was ok, they'd believe me. Wouldn't they?

"Hello again!"

"Sup Pat,"

"Did you get everything alright?"


"Is Virgil alright?"

"Yeah what happened to him?"

"Nothing! Everything is fine, he's fine,"

They looked at each other and then Logan shot a look at me. He looked at me like he was saying 'Patton I know you are lying'. I knew I'd talk about it with him later when it's just the two of us alone.
The silence broke once again as the other two continued their conversation, I hadn't a clue about what they were saying but while they were distracted I took the opportunity to message Virgil.


Hey kiddo you ok?
I'm fine.

Where are you?

Doesn't matter.

Cmon Virg, when are you coming back

I'm not coming back

Why not?

You know exactly why!

Virgil he won't do anything, I promise

Easy for you to say, how do you even know that!

He won't i know it!

It's not that simple, I'm not coming back

Virgil you can't hide from him

Ha watch me.


I mentally face slapped myself. This is going to be a hard tension to break. Does that mean I'll give up? No! I can do this! I just need some faith and some time and it will work out. It needs to. I put my phone into my pocket to join in with the conversation the other two were having.

Time skip to later in the evening

We left the park a while ago, when it got colder and the sky darkened. I went back with Logan and Roman to their dorm to stay with Logan before going back to the comfort of my own bed.

Roman was in his own room playing one of his games, I think it was the latest animal crossing game. Logan and I went went to Logan's room just to have a moment to ourselves. It's nice being with friends all day but there's moments where I just need to be alone with Logan. He makes my days brighter and better. We were cuddling together on this bed. He held me close to his chest with his arms wrapped around me, as I lay with my back against him and my head slightly tilted onto his shoulder. We were watching some old romcoms together and just relaxing.

"I love old school romance,"

"I agree it is a very sweet thing,"

"But we're sweeter! Right?"

He chuckled and gave me a slight squeeze,
"Of course we are my love,"

I placed a gentle kiss onto his lips and looked into his softened eyes, "Good!"

"So you want to tell me what happened earlier?"

I sighed and looked at him
"Virgil wasn't very happy that Roman was there."

"We seen that coming,"

"Yes Logan but he wasn't happy at all! He didn't want to come back, he was so scared something would happen,"

"But nothing would happen him, Roman wouldn't do anything again would he?"

"I don't think so but I messaged him and he refused to come back, I just really want to them those guys out,"

"I know you do dear but it won't be easy at all and it's something that only they can really do,"

"You're right Logan but I just want something positive to happen,"

He could see how driven I felt for those two. He held me closer to him and comforted me in anyway he could. What could I do without Logan.

"Everything will happen in its own time, you're doing your best,"

He gave me a sweet kiss onto my cheek and for the rest of the night we spend quality time together. It's moments like these I treasure most.

Romans PoV


I'm playing animal crossing and even in game I don't have much money! Too realistic! Totally worth getting my new house but at a very high cost. I can't deal with Tom Nook right now! I sat up and went out of my room to get a drink of water. It's tiring being an icon in a game.
As I was getting myself water I heard Patton and Logan's voices from his room. I hate how thin the walls our, at least they are only talking...
I didn't think much of it until I heard what they were talking about. My name was mentioned.
"Virgil wasn't very happy that Roman was there."

Oh. It's about today isn't it.

I could of just left but my curiosity got the better of me. I stood out for longer and heard the whole conversation.
I didn't think Patton was that willing to get Virgil and I to speak again. I stood out for a while and drunk my water before going back to my room. I flopped down onto my bed and turned off my game and went into Facebook. I scrolled for a while like a zombie, like everyone does now. Nothing caught my eye at all just boring life. Then I seen an ad for a club opening down the street and it was holding an opening event. There would be drinks, music, dancing and good times. I checked my calendar and seen I was free. Now this seems like my type of place. Then it clicked Patton wanted Virgil and I to be around each other again, well now it can happen. Totally not an excuse for partying but still!

Words: 1067

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