Chapter 5

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I woke up to my alarm and got up, took a shower, and wore my usual a baggy shirt and jeans. I remembered that I wasn't going to be able to wear my usual black jacket because of Miguel and his blood. I went downstairs and put the jacket in the laundry and went back upstairs to do my hair. I braided two front pieces and pulled them back and then left the rest of my hair down. I grabbed everything from my room I needed and went downstairs, Yasmine and Sam were in my kitchen once again, so I just grabbed my keys and left. I went inside of the school and went to my locker. I opened my locker and put everything I needed inside. I was early for class so I sat down and put my head down on the desk. I could hear people walking in and sitting down, but I didn't hear any movement next to me. I thought maybe Eli wasn't coming today.

"Good morning class, talk to your partners about your project." She was cheery today.

I knew Eli wasn't here so I kept my head down.

"So, what color water do you think we should use?" Eli spoke.

I shot up and looked at him with shock.

"Holy shit, you scared me. I didn't even know you were here." I placed my hand on my heart.

"I'm sorry. I came in a couple of minutes after you did." He was quiet.

"Sorry, if I scared you." I felt bad.

"You're fine." He gave me a slight smile.

Lord have mercy his smile.

"We can do our favorite colors." I suggested.

"Good idea." He grabbed a notebook from his backpack.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked.

"Red and blue." He wrote them down.

"What's yours?" He turned to look at me.

"Dark green." I smiled a little.

"So, we can do dark green, red, blue, and just regular water." He was taking notes.

"You're easy to work with." I turned to face him.

"You are too surprisingly." He didn't show any emotion.

Not gonna lie that comment kind of hurt. This meant Eli thought differently of me than I wanted him to. When I'm hurt I stop talking and don't interact.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, perfectly fine." I shot him a fake smile.

He looked at me skeptically and then proceeded to write things in the notebook.

I placed my head down on the desk and tried to calm myself down. How in the world did this one boy have so much power over my emotions. I started to tear up a little and then the teacher started talking. I kept my head down and didn't lookup.

"Today, I want you guys to come up here and pick four different colors. Two for each of you, I want you and your partners to make paper flowers. I don't care what kind, just a flower and then come up here and hand them in. There is also glue and scissors." The lady started calling tables to go up.

"What colors do you want?" I asked keeping my head down.

"Red and blue please." He sounded different, but I couldn't pinpoint why or how.

When the teacher called our table I got up and went to the table with the colored paper. I grabbed a red, blue, dark green, and a black I also grabbed two pairs of scissors and a glue, then walked back to my seat. I placed Eli's colors in front of him and sat down.

I grabbed a pencil from my bag and cut strips from both of my colors. I placed a little glue on the pencil eraser and then grabbed one of the strips and rolled it onto the pencil. I repeated the process with each of the colors and then when I was finished I took the eraser off the pencil and my flower was finished. I made two flowers, I had decided I was going to give Eli one to be nice.

"I like your flower." Eli spoke softly.

I looked at Eli and he had made a rose but it was more spread out and the petals had ridges all around them. They looked really nice.

"I like yours too." I smiled and got up with one flower in my hand.

I handed in the one flower and went back to my desk.

"Why didn't you turn both of them in?" Eli looked at me confused.

"Because this one is for you." I slid over the flower.

"Oh, umm. Thank you." He looked at the flower and smiled at it.

It made me happy that he was happy with such a small thing such as a flower.

The bell rang and I got up and left. I went to the rest of my classes and it was now time for lunch.

I grabbed a yahoo milk and then sat down at Eli's table.

"Hey dorks." I sat down.

"Wow, two days in a row. What do we owe this honor?" Demetri joked.

"I don't wanna sit with my sister and her friends because if I do I will probably beat one of them." I smiled and tilted my head.

"Did you guys hear about Sam sucking off Kyler?" Demetri spoke suddenly.

"No wonder she was crying in my kitchen this morning." I pieced some clues together.

"I don't think she really did it." Miguel defended her.

I knew right away Miguel liked her and would do anything to protect her.

"You like her." I looked at Miguel.

His face became red and he was trying to defend himself but stuttered.

"As I thought." I put my straw in the carton.

"I do like her and what about it?" Miguel was getting a little cranky.

"Calm down, Mr. Cranky pants. I was just stating the obvious, there's nothing wrong with liking someone." I took a drink of my yahoo.

"Are you ever jealous of your sister?" Demetri asked.

"No, why?" I wanted to see where this was gonna go.

"Because she has such a nice body and looks like she does, while you're the complete opposite." Demetri explained.

"I choose to be the complete opposite except for the hair, but other than that I choose to be different. I don't like the attention from boys or any of the teenage bull shit." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You're really chill." Eli spoke softly.

"Thanks." I heard Sam yelling.

We all turned around and saw Sam yelling at Kyler. Sam was about to punch him when Miguel intervened. Kyler swung at Miguel but he dodged it. Instead, they broke into this big fight and our whole table had to move because Miguel threw one of the kids on the table and the kid broke the table.

We watched as Miguel fought four guys all to protect Sam. I am not judging him, I am actually proud. He liked her enough to protect her. I would have done the same thing for Eli in a split second. After Miguel's big seen it was time to go to the next period. I went to the rest of my classes and it was now time to go home and change for karate.

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