Chapter 11

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I didn't wake up until the next morning. I got up at my usual time and I decided to eat before I got ready. I went downstairs and grabbed some cereal. I ate that before anyone came downstairs and went back to my room to get ready. I didn't feel right this morning, everything just seemed off. I was more sluggish than usual, I had no motivation, I just wanted to lay in bed all day and do nothing, I just didn't feel like myself. I used to get like this all the time freshman year but I haven't had one in a while. I call them my episodes when it's just a wave of sadness. Sometimes they only last a day or a couple of days, or even up to two weeks, it all just depends. I put on a pair of grey sweats with a matching hoodie redid my messy bun and brushed my teeth. This how I dressed when I felt like this because it made me feel safe. During these episodes I don't talk to anyone, I usually sit in the library at lunch, and I don't participate in any of my classes, I usually put my head down and fall asleep. I swear if anyone messes with me today there are either going to get punched with no warning or I am going to let it pass because I probably won't have the energy to punch them. I hated feeling like this because I was vulnerable and I hated being like this but there was nothing I could do about it other than just wait for it to pass.

I grabbed everything I needed for school and I drove to school. I was early like usual, I walked in and went to my locker. I opened my locker and there was the rose Eli had given me with the note. I pushed it to the back so I couldn't see it but not enough to crush the flower. I placed and grabbed everything I needed and closed it.

I walked to my science class and sat down, I put my bag on the floor and laid my head down. I listened to all the sounds in the class and tried to pinpoint where and who was making them. Then I heard the door open, and with that everyone got quiet and I could hear whispering. I didn't lift my head because I knew what they were whispering about. It was Eli, he walked in and everyone was talking about his new look and probably a whole bunch of other shit. I felt movement next to me and I heard the chair move from its place under the table. Eli sat down.

"Hey, Maddie." He spoke with confidence.

I didn't say anything.

"I said hey." He poked me with a pencil.

"Hi." I kept my head buried.

"Someone's cranky." He laughed.

"I'm not cranky." I spoke.

"Are you still mad about yesterday?" He scoffed.

"Why would I be mad I was the one who won." I raised my head and gave him a dirty look.

"Yeah, but you got mad when I swept you off your feet." He smirked.

"What's your point?" I gave him another dirty look.

"Point is you're mad about it." He rolled his.

"I'm not mad because you swept my feet one time. I'm not even mad at all. I won and you're the one being all pissy about it." I rolled my eyes and laid my head back down.

"You got lucky with the win." He laughed.

"Whatever you say to make yourself feel better." I spoke from under my arms.

He didn't say anything. I fell asleep for the rest of class. I heard the bell ring and I woke up, I got up and grabbed my things. I walked out of class and went to my next class. I went through all my classes and I slept through all of them. It was now time for lunch and I wasn't hungry just thirsty. I walked into the lunchroom and grabbed a yahoo and turned around to go to the library where it was quiet.

"Maddie." I heard someone call out.

I didn't turn around I just kept walking.

"Hey, Maddie." Demetri ran to my side.

I didn't say anything.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." I stated.

"Is it Eli?" He asked.

I looked at him and then back at the floor.

"He told us what happened yesterday and then at the dojo." He explained.

"So, he told you he was being a complete asshole and gave me a bruise on my back." I said it with attitude.

"Well he didn't say that but he did say he thought you were on your period because of the way you were acting this morning." He laughed to himself.

"Well tell Eli that I'm not on my period that I am just pissed off and angry." I smiled and walked into the library.

Demetri didn't follow me he just went back to the cafeteria. I went to my desk behind the big desk I sat down and looked at all the stuff I needed to do today. Everything looked like so much effort and I didn't want to do any of it. I sighed and drank my yahoo. After I finished I stood up and looked around the library for a good book to read. I found one and I picked it off the shelf. I carried it back to the main desk and I checked it out for myself. I then sat back on my own desk and opened it. I read through lunch and my librarian aid period. After my librarian aid period was over, I placed it in my backpack and went to my next class.

I finished all my classes and I drove straight home. I didn't want to go to karate but my mom was making me since it was Friday and I could rest this weekend.

Sorry for the late update I was busy all day. :)

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