Chapter 16

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It was now the end of the day. I finished my last class and went to my locker. I wanted to get the flower and note Eli had given me and take it home. I wanted to take it home, put it in a flower vase-type thing, and put the flower in there. Yes, I know the flower was paper and it couldn't die, but I thought it would look nice and I wanted to treasure it since it was the last thing I had left of him. I walked out of my class and went straight to my locker. I opened my locker grabbed the flower and note and carried it in my hands because I didn't want them getting crush in my backpack. As usual, Robby was waiting for me by my car.

"What took you so long?" He laughed.

"I needed to get something out from my locker." I explained.

"Oh ok." He got in the car.

"I need to drop something off at my house before we go to the skatepark." I placed the flower on my lap.

"Ok." He smiled.

The car ride was always fun, we laughed at stupid things, sang at the top of our lungs, and overall just had an amazing time. I got to my house, I told Robby he could come in but he said he didn't want to get out and then back in because he was lazy. I laughed at him and got out with the flower, the note, and walked inside. I went to my room, I placed the flower on my nightstand next to my bed, and the note underneath it. I took a second to collect myself so I didn't cry again and then I went to the bathroom. I redid all my bandages on my legs and arms because there was some blood on them from throughout the day. I changed them and went downstairs. No one was home as usual so I grabbed my board and went back outside. I placed my board in my back seat and got in.

"Hey umm, I'm sorry but we can't go skating today." Robby apologized.

"Why?" I questioned.

"I just got off the phone with Sam and she wants to go on a date today in like an hour." He explained.

"Oh ok, that's fine." I was kind of upset that he was ditching me for Miguel's stupid ass ex.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll take you home." I sent him a reassuring smile.

The car ride was just him talking about Sam the whole time and how much he liked her. I just nodded and barely responded. I dropped him off and drove to a gas station. I grabbed my favorite snack and drove back home. I locked my car, grabbed my things, and walked in.

Eli and Moon were sitting on the couch together so I tried being super quiet so they wouldn't hear me.

"Oh hey, Maddie." Moon saw me.

I turned around.

"Hey." I quickly answered.

"I thought you go skating with that Robby kid every day after school." She was wondering why I was home.

"He canceled because he has a date with Sam." I explained.

"So, you guys aren't dating?" Eli spoke to me for the first time in a month.

"No, we are just friends." I went to my room.

I missed Eli, I really did. That was the first time he has talked to me in the last month. I missed his voice, his scent, his everything. But I couldn't have it for myself, he belonged to Moon and there was nothing I could do about it.

I sat on my bed and ate my snacks while watching some tv.

It was now time for me to get ready for karate. I went as I was and drove to the dojo.

I entered the dojo and went straight to the back to change. I changed and walked back out.

"Maddie." Sensei called out for me.

"Yes?" I walked into his office.

"We are going to be learning a new kick today." He looked excited.

"That's cool." I smiled.

"I want to teach you the kick really quick and then I am going to try to help the other students and whoever has the most trouble learning the kick I am going to send them with you in the back and you can teach them." He explained.

"Ok, that's fine." I loved teaching kicks.

"Alright come on." He stood.

Sensei and I walked to the matt. You would stand in your usual stance, then you spun to your left once, then before completing the spin you leaped off your left foot, swing your right leg around and the kick would be for the face. Once I got the kick down, it was so fun to do. This was by far my favorite kick that we have learned, it could knock someone out if you did it right and used the right amount of force.

"You picked it up really quick." Sensei laughed.

"I like this kick." I smiled.

"Good, because it is going to be tricky for some of the others." He explained.

I nodded and began to stretch while people starting coming in. Tory had joined cobra kai so she could be with all of us. She was good at it, she had the right energy, stamina, and had major anger issues.

Aisha, Tory, and I always stretched together. While Miguel would stretch with Eli.

Over the past month, I have noticed Eli completely change into a different person. He's mean, ruthless, and shows no mercy. I think it's because he is just getting back all the years from being bullied. The pain just turned into anger, hell I should know that's why I am the way I am all my pain turned into anger, and look and see where it was gotten me. He was going to regret the way he has been acting, I know he will because one day he is going to realize he has become his worst nightmare.

"So, did Sensei tell you what we are doing today?" Tory asked.

"Yeah, he said we are learning a new kick. He taught me the kick when I got here so I can help the people later on that can't get it down." I explained.

"Is it fun?" Aisha asked.

"Hell yeah." I laughed.

"I'm excited." Tory laughed.

"Fall in." Sensei instructed.

We all got into our places.

"Today we will be learning a new kick." He explained.

He showed us the new kick and all of us formed a circle and each of us one by one was going to do the kick. We had 5 tries to get the kick and if we didn't get it then you had to go to the back and wait.

"Maddie, your first." He motioned to the middle of the mat.

I took my stance spun around leaped off my left, swung my right leg around and nailed the dummy in the face, and landed perfectly into my next position for the next hit.

"Very nice, now go wait in the back for the students that can't do it." He pointed to the back.

I went into the back, set up the matt, sat, and waited. The first kid to come in was the ginger Miguel had once sparred with. I guided him slowly through each step and within a couple of minutes he nailed the kick perfectly. I sent him back to the front so he could try again. The next kid was Bert. I helped him just as I did the last kid. It took Bert a little longer but he finally got it and I sent him back to the front. The next kid was a short, chubby kid that had dark brown hair and he was a total sweetheart. He joined about 2 weeks ago, he wasn't the type to be in karate but he loved it. He was the sweetest kid that was in the dojo. While I was working with the boy someone walked in but I didn't pay attention because I was focused on helping the kid. I led him through each step slowly and helped him. He struggled with leaping off the left and swing his right over. I held him steady so he didn't fall. After about 15 minutes he finally got the kick down and I sent him on his way. He was so excited when he finally got it. He smiled brightly and it made me smile. He ran to the front to show sensei.

"Ok, next." I turned around.

I turned around and it was Eli sitting down against the wall just staring at me.

Sorry for the late update. The next chapter will be out in a couple minutes. :)

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