She started it

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"Welcome home for the rest of the summer"


Not even a few steps in and Max is already engulfed in another hug. "Oh hello dear, how are you? Are you doing alright love?" The soft voice belonging to none other than Molly makes Max smile, instantly giving her a hug back. "I'm doing great Mrs.Weasley"

Molly pulls back with a stern look on her face, giving Max a slight glare. "Now how many times have I told you to call me Molly? Right then let's get ready for dinner! Ron dear go get Fred please" The soft tone never leaves her voice.

A small nod from Ron gives Molly the okay to pull Max over to the table while her youngest son goes over to the stairs. "FRED! FOOD IS READY-" Ron starts but Molly interrupts him by walking over and wacking the back of his head. "Not like that Ronald! Go up to him." And with that, Molly walks to the kitchen to set up the table.

"What is it with you people and hurting me today" Ron mumbles before going up the stairs while Ginny and Max laugh, watching the whole scene unfold in front of them.

Not long after George comes down the stairs then sneaks into the kitchen. "Do you have any idea when Hermione and Harry are coming?" Ginny suddenly asks. "I think they should be coming in about a week from now" Max replies, slowly slipping off her backpack.

Both girls heads shoot up towards the kitchen after a yell is heard, followed by a deep laugh. George then runs out of the kitchen holding one of Molly's freshly baked bread. "GEORGE WEASLEY GET BACK HERE!" Molly yells, clearly agitated by the whole situation. "Mum I didn't mean to scare you! I was just hungry!" George defends before taking a bite.

"So you come up behind me without me knowing and say 'boo'!?" By now Molly is seething, holding up a spoon in a threatening manner. "Um.. It wasn't me?" He tries defending again. Molly then lunges at him, causing him to shriek like a kid and run away again as both Max and Ginny fall in fits of laughter.

Molly stops to see the two girls laughing then cracks a smile at them, not bothering to go after George anymore. "Can I help set the table Molly?" Max finally asks after calming down. "No don't you worry about that, you're the guest. Go on take a seat!" Molly urges, smiling sweetly at the girl. "I really don't mind, honestly-" Max goes to say before yelling is heard from upstairs.

"I'd rather lick a toilet Ron!" The girls hear Fred's voice echo from upstairs. "It's not the end of the bloody world Fred!" Ron's voice is now heard shouting back. Molly straightens herself up before angrily walking up the stairs.

Ginny looks at Max, giving her an apologetic smile. "Just ignore him" Ginny mutters. "I've been doing that for six years now" Max replies with a chuckle.

She walks towards the kitchen to bring out some stuff to set the table, Ginny being right behind her. "He just has the emotional range of a teaspoon, worse than Ron." Max's insult sets Ginny off while nodding her head to agree.

Both girls go back and forth from the kitchen to the table to set everything up then George appears, helping them out while eating some of the food every now and then.

By the time Fred, Ron, and Molly all come down, the table is all set up with George, Ginny, and Max sitting. Max looks over to see Molly mutter something to Fred which causes him to look away from her and sigh.

After Ron sits down, Molly turns to look at everyone then smiles gratefully at them "Thank you for setting up the table" She says then takes a a seat. Fred walks over to the table, taking a seat across from Max. He purposely stretches his long legs out under the table, knowing that max won't be able to move her legs forward without hitting his.

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