Fancy Her

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Tw // This contains similar feelings to anxiety and a small part mentioning a bit of self harm. Please read at your own risk <3


So far the new boy hasn't really said much to Max. Ginny has been ignoring him the best she could but it's kind of impossible when he chose to sit right beside her. He's been getting on with the group well, cracking jokes with the twins, showing Theo how to properly cast a Stupify charm by using him as an example, etcetera.

He seems to be chill around everyone but tenses up around Ginny since every time he says something she stares at him intensely. "You know, staring will make him think you like him." Max teases to Ginny quietly, causing her to drop her jaw before scrunching her face with disgust.

"I wasn't staring, I was trying to analyze." Ginny whispers back to Max, shaking her head from side to side. "Way to be discreet about it." Max replies to the redhead, making her blush from embarrassment and lightly hit the curly haired girls shoulder.

"Can you tell me the direction of the loo." The boy asks Ron, who has his mouth half full with cookies that were suppose to be for the guests. "It's up the stairs, last door to your right.. No, to your left. Last door to your left" Ron replies hesitantly after swallowing the food.

The boy chuckles softly before standing up and walking to the stairs. Ginny looks at max with wide pleading eyes, begging silently for her to follow. "I'm not following him into the bathroom Gin."

"What if he's not going to the bathroom? He could be a thief and steal everything upstairs." Ginny whispers, begging with her eyes. Max sighs, finally giving in to the girls pleads and stands up, mumbling a 'be right back' before disappearing towards the stairs. Fred eyes Max suspiciously as she walks away.

Finally making it up the stairs, she stares down the hall, not seeing him anywhere. Quietly she starts looking around, opening the rooms one by one to make sure he wasn't stealing anything. Once she opens the twins room a voice startles her. "Find what your looking for?"

With a sharp gasp escaping her lips and a small jump, she quickly turns around to face the new boy, who's eyeing her down suspiciously as Fred was doing earlier. "Um, I.. I wasn't-" "You weren't stalking me or following me by any chance?" He finishes her sentence for her.

A blush is visibly shown along her cheeks by now as she looks away, embarrassed. "No." Max responds. "I haven't been here two hours and you along with the Weasley's sister don't trust me" The boy stares down at her, amused by the whole situation.

"Well walk with me, maybe if you spent some time with me you'd trust me." He says, taking a couple steps back to give the girl some space. "I don't know you." Max replies hesitantly.

At her response, he holds his hand out, to which the girl slowly takes into hers. "Adrian Pucey." He says, smiling at her. "Max Darwin" She responds, shaking his hand while raising an eyebrow at him. "Walk with me." He says again, the amusement glistening in his eyes.

"I still don't know you" Max states.

"Yes you do, we shook hands" Adrian retorts, now raising his eyebrow out of amusement.

Max rolled her eyes, staying rooted to her spot which caused him to sigh. "Okay okay um.. I have a dog, I love going to muggle movies, but don't tell my parents that, and I only have one type when it comes to dating and that's men." He says, smirking a bit when he notices the girls eyes widening at the information he provided.

"I love muggle movies too!" She finally lets a smile tug at her lips. "Now-" Adrian says, stepping back again to let the girl walk with him "-Why were you following me around like a stalker?" He asks, letting the amusement bubble up again.

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