Let Me

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Tw // this chapter will include sexual harassment and violence. please stay safe and if you're uncomfortable don't read <3


A loud thudding noise erupts throughout the room from the kitchen, Making Ron jump at the sudden sound from the couch and turn his head to Max who's sitting right beside him. Not long after George runs out screaming "GAINT SPIDER"

Ron shrieks and stands up from the couch, stumbling as he tries to run, Max stares at George with wide eyes while Ron ends up on the floor as George laughing hysterically. "I'm just joking, Errol came with Mums letter"

From the floor Ron groans as he rolls onto his side and pulls one of his knees up towards his chest. "That really hurt" Ron groans out as Max shakes her head at the two boys while grinning.

"Harry sent a letter too." George says as he goes through the mail. Another minute later Ginny comes running down "Did the mail c-" Ginny cuts herself off as she stares at her older brother on the floor.

"What happened- You know what? I don't want to know. Did the mail come?" Ginny asks again before looking down to George's hands. Once her eyes land on the letter she lets her legs run over towards him, her hand reaching out to snatch the letters but George was quicker. He lifts his arm up high out of Ginnys reach, causing her to glare at him.

Max snorts from the couch then points at her "Hah, you're short" She laughs. Ginnys glare turns to her, crossing her arms as she says "You're shorter than I am so I wouldn't talk if I were you." The smile that was featured on Max's face instantly dropped, causing Ginny to smile in victory before turning back to George. "Letters please"

A smile forms on George's face at the whole situation before handing the letters to Ginny. She franticly looks through them before sighing "He didn't write" A frown forms upon Ginnys lips as she stares at the letters in her hands. "Dear Ginny, I miss you too, I cant wait to see you and everyone tomorrow." George says, making Ginny almost snap her neck to look at him.

She then notices the open letter in his hands, her mouth slowly falling agape at her older brother. "I can't bother to look at your repulsive face even for another second, you disgust me and I wished we never met-" George gets cut off by Ginny yelling 'What!?' before lunging at him and grabbing the letter out of his hands.

George's head tips back as he laughs, causing Max to burst out laughing while Ron finally manages to push himself off the floor into a sitting position.

"George you're such a git" Ginny states as George picks up the letters Ginny dropped. Soon Fred walks down, making the smile on Max's face disappear for a second time.

"Since mum is gone, do you guys wanna go to the Leaky Cauldron for some food?" Fred asks. Ron immediately perks up once he hears food being mentioned, his head starting to nod vigorously. "Okay thats two votes, anyone else?" Fred says as his eyes travel from Ginny to George then lastly Max.

"Yeah the Leakey Cauldron sounds good" George says as Ginny nods to Fred. "Okay looks like we're going out, Go get ready" Fred finally states, glancing to Max again before turning around and walking back up the stairs.

"Max help me get ready?" Ginny asks. Max stands up and nods to the girl with a small smile playing at her lips, both of them walking up the stairs and do their shared bedroom.

"Did you bring that mascara I asked you about?" Ginny says as she stops in front of her desk. "Yeah I should have it here somewhere" Max replies to her while rummaging through her suitcase. Not long after she pulls out the mascara with a smile.

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