Game On

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Tw // Sexual activities. If you get uncomfortable please skip it <3


"What time is it now?" Ginnys eager voice asks as she continuously stares at the door every now and then. "Ginny, it's been two minutes since you asked that. it's around one and Harry won't be here till a couple more hours" George states with a sigh.

"Why don't we go outside today? It's gorgeous out" Fred asks as he sits on the coffee table in front of the couch. "But Harry could come any min-" Ginny starts but gets interrupted by a loud thud coming from upstairs. Everyone is downstairs except for Max, whom everyone assumed was still asleep.

"What was that?" George calls out, hoping nothing bad happened. "My shirt fell" a distant voice belonging to Max shouts back. "That didn't sound like a shirt" Ginny now calls out as Fred rolls his eyes and moves to sit on the smaller couch.

Not long after footsteps are being heard coming down the stairs. "Yeah well I was in the shirt so.." Max responds as she rubs her now bruised side.

George lets out a loud laugh along with Ginny and Ron, causing Max to glare at the three. Ron stuffs his face with his fifth piece of toast while Max walks closer to him then steals another piece from his plate, almost losing her hand in the process as he tries to karate chop it out of the way before pulling the plate closer to himself to make sure no one else gets his food.

"So what happened while you were up there Maxi?" George asks as he leans back into the couch while bringing his arms up on either side. Max shrugs and turns away from them, trying to not look uncomfortable from the horrid dream she had.

"Bad dream" She replies, taking another bite out of the toast. "Are you sure a bad dream could cause your legs to give out?" George smirks, his tone laced with playful teasing. Max rolls her eyes and goes to retaliate but a knock at the door stops her.

As Max turns towards the direction of the door to open it but Ginny immediately gets up and runs past her "I got it!" She yells as she runs to the door, almost tripping on her way as she swings the door open. "Oh it's you." Ginnys voice is heard, causing the group in the living room to snicker.

"Wow thanks Ginny" A girls voice belonging to no other than Hermione Granger is heard throughout the hall before taking a couple steps in. Ron's eyes widen as he looks up from his plate of toast, causing both the twins and Max to smirk at the boy. "Sorry Mione, I didn't mean it like that" Ginny grins, throwing her arms around the bushy haired girl

Ron stumbles up from his chair, trying to get to Hermione before anyone else does. As soon as Ginnys arms unwrapped from Hermione's body she turns around, a bright smile on her face.

To Ron everything went in slow motion and her smile is lighting up the entire room. He must've gotten blinded by it since he ended up tripping over the leg of the chair.

The twins laughter echoes through the living room as Max snorts at the whole thing. Hermione looked over to Ronald with concerned eyes before cracking a smile then a giggle at him. "Ron why are you always on the floor" Ginny says as she steps over him.

After a second Ron rolls onto his back then turns his face to Hermione before flashing her a smile. "Hey." He says, trying to charm her. Apperently it works since a blush creeps along her cheeks. "Help me up?" Ron asks her, the smile not leaving his lips as he holds his hand out.

Hermione immediately grabs onto his hand, attempting to pull him up but he ends up pulling her down on top of him. "Why do you always do that you git!" Hermione grumbles as she pushes herself up from the floor.

Euphoric ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now