I Hate You

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tw // this chapter will contain harassment and forced sexual activities along with blood. read at your own risk. if you feel uncomfortable pls feel free to dm me or a friend to help you through it <3


The wind brushes through her hair, her eyes closing as she breaths in the fresh air. "Are you okay max?"
Her eyes open to see Fred standing in front of her. "Yeah i'm fine, you didn't have to come out though. I just said I needed fresh air." Max replies, putting her hands in her pockets.

"Who's sweater is that?" He asks, making her scrunch her face with confusion. "Yours? Remember?" She replies to him again, leaning back against the wall. Fred steps closer to her, now directly in front of her as he reaches his hand out to play with the end of her hair.

Max looks up at Fred as her heart starts beating quicker than before. "Why don't you give me a chance?" He asks, inching closer to her. He places his hand on her waist, still playing with her hair using his other hand.

Max's eyes widen as she stares up at the red head. Fred brings his hand to the oversized sweaters zipper and starts pulling it down, exposing the bralette underneath. Fred then smashes his lips onto hers then uses his hands to feel her from her waist up to her breasts. His touch felt different, his touch felt cold.

She brings her hand up to place on his chest from the sudden surprise but he grabs her wrist, pinning it against the wall while digging his fingers into her bare waist, forcing her back into the wall roughly. Max turns her head to the side, gasping for air before saying "Fred wait"

He doesn't listen, instead he grabs her jaw and forces her back to his lips with the hand that was on her waist. Max then takes her free hand to push him, causing him to let go of her jaw and pin her free hand to the bricked wall. "You wanted Fred? I'll give you Fred" The boy mumbles aggressively against her now swollen lips.

"Max we're gonna-" Ron cuts himself off as he stares at the two making out, not believing his eyes. "Max... That's not Fred" He says slowly before stepping back. Her stomach dropped.

She felt as if she was about to faint after hearing what Ron said but his words didn't stop the boy from feeling up the shaking girl all over.

Ron runs back inside just as Max knees the boy between the legs, causing him to pull back and bend over while the pain takes over him.

Max then stumbles away from him but he notices and grows furious. The boy lunges at her, angrily grabbing her by both arms and slamming her into the brick wall behind her.

Pain washes over her, causing her to let out a cry. Fred's lookalike grabs her jaw harshly again, forcing her head up to look at him as he uses his other hand to pull out his wand. "Don't you know better Maxine?" As soon as those words leave his lips she figures out who's standing before her.

Max brings her knee up again, catching him off guard as he stumbles back into the same position as before. She then pulls her arm back and punches him, making the pain emerge throughout her fist and causing him to stumble once again and drop the wand from his grip.

Soon after Ginny runs out, stopping for a second to stare before running at full speed and tackling the boy. George and Fred follow right after her. Ron stands over the boy, seeing as Cormac was reaching for his wand then kicks it away from his grip.

Max didn't realize she was crying until the breeze brushed across her face and onto her bare skin under the sweater. With her hands shaking she tries to zip up the sweater but fails to get the end part through.

"One second George" Fred says and looks at Ron to take his place before walking over to Max. Once his eyes land on her he immediately softens, his movements being very slow as if he's nearing a scared animal. "Is it okay if I..?" He asks, his voice coming out soft so he doesn't scare her.

Euphoric ~ Fred WeasleyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin