Get out

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"Max please" George whines as he tugs on Max's sleeve. "No, he'll just kick me out anyway" Max replies for the hundredth time now. "Please, he hasn't come out of his room since yesterday" He begs again, following her like a lost puppy as she walks away from him.

"Why can't you do it?" A sigh leaves Max's lips when George steps in front of her, pleading with his eyes. "I have! So have Ginny and Ron! He won't talk to anyone" George pleads, tugging on her sleeve again like a child.

"So what makes you think he'll talk to me?" Max questions as she swats George's hand thats tugging at her sleeve, causing him to pull his hand back and pout.

"You never know till you try" George sighs. "Oh great idea, what happened last time I went near him when he was mad?" Max stares at George, already knowing the answer. "...He hexed you.." he replies then brings his hand to his face "Just.. please Max?"

Max sighs with defeat and lifts her hands up with surrender "Fine! But if I get hexed i'm hexing you" She points her finger in his chest while he gives her a cheeky smile before walking up the stairs. Max walks into hers and Ginnys room to grab her wand incase Fred tries sending a curse her way then starts walking down the hall.

She feels her heart beating faster and faster with every step she takes closer to his bedroom, her body going numb as she stands in front of his door. After two whole minutes, she finally lifts her hand up to knock but stops herself, trying to think of what she should say.

After another two minutes the door swings open, Max's eyes now staring directly at Fred's collarbone. He's shirtless again. Max quickly brings her arm back down to her side as her eyes rise from his chest up to his face as he stares down at her with an eyebrow raised and slight amusement glistening in his eyes.

"You're not stalking me are you?" Fred's voice finally breaks the silence. "Um, why would I stalk you? You're literally the least interesting person to exist" Max retorts as amusement starts filling her features. "Well not a lot of people stand outside my bedroom for a whole hour" Fred retaliates and leans against the doorframe while crossing his arms over his chest.

Max narrows her eyes at him before poking his chest "I was definitely not standing here for an hour. It was at most five minutes" She defends, going to poke his chest again but Fred catches her wrist.

His expression wavers for a second before he quickly lets go of her, crossing his arms again. "Like that makes a difference" He rolls his eyes then walks back into his room, leaving his door open before saying "Now leave, you're annoying me"

She completely ignores his last statement, walking into his room without his permission before closing the door and sauntering over to George's side of the room. "Are you deaf? Leave, Darwin" Fred turns to stand at his desk, staring at Max through the mirror. "Your brother wanted me to speak to you so no Weasley" Max retorts with a glare then looks around George's side table.

Fred turns abruptly as he has wand pointed at Max, causing her to pull out her wand and turn towards him at the sudden movement. "Leave and I won't hex you" Fred threatens with a glare. Max raises her eyebrow at him, not moving at all.

"First of all, you wouldn't be able to hit me with your lousy ass aim anyways and second, lower your wand and i'll leave." She grips her wand tighter in her hand as Fred lowers his wand, not trusting him one bit.

"That's what I thought" She lifts her chin up to show him she won and lowers her pointed wand before walking over to the door. Just as she's about to use her free hand to open the door Fred lunges at her, grabbing her hand thats holding the wand and forcing her to drop it then pins that same hand behind her back while shoving her against the door.

Euphoric ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now