chapter 73

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Sunday February 14 10:29pm

Alex's POV

I was sitting there for awhile and thought I should buy y/n a present since it is valentines day and I feel so bad for yelling at her. I left to a flower shop and bought her a bouquet of roses like people usually do but I also put gold ones in it. I then went to a ring shop and found a cute and simple promise ring for her then I went to a place that sells her favorite chocolates and finally I made a stop at a dog clothing place to buy ottie a tuxedo so he can help me. I got in my car and drove back to the house then texted Carlos to bring me a nice outfit and ottie. He came back with this⬇⬇⬇

A - ok that will work now you put the tuxedo on ottie and I'll get dressed

I got dressed in the car and Carlos managed to put the tuxedo on ottie some how.

A - ok the plan is for you to let ottie in the girls room and they will get distracted then I will be in the door way with her flowers her ring and the chocolate

C - ok wait do I take ottie?

A - no shit Carlos

C - ok just making sure

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