chapter 187

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Saturday August 7 6:05pm

As soon as I saw that I turned around and picked up Bentley

Y - *talking fast* alex I am not staying here for another second because clearly it is not safe

A - baby calm down let's just wait before we make decisions

Y - NO ALEX! I am taking Bentley to leilani and as soon as I come back we are gonna start packing and taking shit to the other house. This has been going on for to long and I still haven't said shit about it so I am done we are moving out

I left before he could say another word. I put Bentley in the car and then we drove to leilani's house. I got down and knocked on her door hoping she would be there

Le - *opens door* hey y/n how was Vegas

Y - good but i need you to watch Bentley because Me and alex are gonna start packing

Le - uhh yeah sure why are you packing

Y - we are moving

Le - together?

Y - oh yeah we are back together and the house that we are in now isn't safe so we are moving to the one I lived in

Le - umm ok I'll ask questions later so go I guess

Y - great thanks bye *kisses Bentleys cheek* I'll pick up ottie and Bentley later today

I left and drove back home. When I got there alex was in the storage room looking for boxes. We found them and I helped him get his stuff since my stuff were already out. We got all of his stuff he doesn't need right now and closed the boxes. We got all the decorations from the living room and kitchen all in boxes. It was now 10 and we got everything from the kitchen except for fridge stuff packed in boxes. We also got a bunch of Bentley's toys packed. We need more boxes and a moving truck which we will get tomorrow. I was so tired so I just laid on the floor by the top of the stairs. Alex walked out of his room Shirtless and in basketball shorts

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