chapter 191

119 1 0

Friday August 13 4:38pm

*play it now*

I walked out of the house and started walking down the block. I eventually got to an open field so I walked through and went into a small forest. I walked around till I found a big rock so I sat on it. I felt so overwhelmed with everything that I started to cry. I was just crying and I couldn't stop. I hate when me and alex are fighting because then I can't just go to him like I want to. I know if I give in he could take advantage of me since I always forgive him. I went on my phone and scrolled through my Snapchat memories. There was a bunch of pictures of alex and I didn't want to look at that so I scrolled further. I ended up finding pictures and videos from when I was pregnant with the first baby. Alex was kissing my stomach and talking to him while I was just laughing. I missed these moments so much and I can't get them back. Before I officially joined the gang like before the training and stuff alex would always keep me out of those stuff but now I always have to be involved and I hate that. Honestly I wanted to hug someone and I think it was a sign when alex facetimed me. I quickly wiped my tears and then answered it

*on ft*

A - y/n where are you

Y - I dont even know

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