chapter 119

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Sunday march 21 10:47pm

After getting a bunch of hugs from people alex went and hugged me

A - happy birthday babygirl

Y - thank you baby *kisses Alex*

A - come on let's go take pictures

He put his hand on my waist and guided me to this little wall that had streamers and string lights hanging down with a lit up happy birthday sign. Some girl was talking pictures of us and we got so many. Me and alex were done taking pictures so I took a picture with the girls then with the boys and finally some with ottie which he was dressed up with a little bow tie. Pictures were done so I went up to alex

A - are you done?

Y - yeah finally

A - I'm hungry do you want to eat

Y - yeah what food is there

A - chik fil a

Y - Ooo

A - that's why I was hoping you didn't pick chik fil a today

Y - you know I would still eat it *kisses alex*

We walked to the food and got a plate then alex carried it to a table that was decorated with a big sparkly chair. I sat down and the girls quickly came up to me laughing.

S - ok y/n you cannot take these off

Sam put on a sash that says birthday girl on it then destiny put a tiara that had fluffy stuff on it and it lit up

Y - oh my god

S - also that dress is staying on until you start dancing because you look hot in it and it took a lot of convincing for alex to let you wear it

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