Getting to know each other

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Heyo! I'm back with another chapter. It took me the whole day to write the last one, going between classes and Wattpad isn't easy. Anyways, remember all images, videos and songs used do not belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners. Now, onto the chapter!

☀️Sunday Morning☀️

*Third Person POV*

The sunlight brightened up the sky, peering down through the windows of any sleeping beings.

The yawn of Claire could be heard, as she rose from her slumber.

She looked at the time on her phone, realizing that it was only 8am.

"Five more minutes." She flopped back in the bed, looking over to the shirtless bomb that was next to her.

"On second thought, let's start the day!" She jumped back out of the bed, stretching out any sleep that was lingering in her.

Before stepping out of the room, she planted a kiss on Whitty's cheek then went to start her usual routine.

Some time had passed since Claire woke up, now it was Whitty's turn to be blinded by the sun.

He shielded his eyes from the beam, slowly sitting up in the bed.

Glancing over to the basket of clothes, he took out a blue hoodie, black sweatpants and a pair of underwear, placed them on the bed then packed the rest in the dresser.

Still sleepy, he dragged himself to the bathroom to take a shower and start the day as well.

"Finished!" Claire exclaimed once she was done with fixing breakfast for Whitty and herself.

She carried the tray of food out to the living room, placing it on the table, but began looking around the room.

"He might still be asleep, it's pretty early after all." She thought to herself, taking a seat in the couch then proceeded to check through all the channels on the television.

"No, no, boring, meh, no." None of the channels were catching her interest.

"Good morning." Whitty finally came downstairs to greet Claire.

"Gmorning, you're up early." She greeted him without breaking eye contact with the tv.

"The sun blinded me," he took a seat next to her and saw the food on the table, "thanks for the breakfast." He took up the tray and began to eat the food while Claire continued her search for something to watch.

"Wait...what's this?" She finally stopped on a channel that was showing a movie.

Intrigued, she placed the remote down and watched the movie while leaning on Whitty's arm.

The movie was at a certain scene where the teenagers were professing their love for one another.

As the scene continued, the two lovebirds closed the distance between each other.

"Wait....are they going to..." Claire's thoughts were interrupted when the teens finally locked lips with each other.

Living with a Rockstar (Whitty x OC) {Completed}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang