New Addition

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Heyo everyone! I'm glad to be back with another chapter, but first a quick shout out to NulledSilence. They started their own book and I'm very invested in the story. Go give them a follow and check out their book! Now, all images, songs and videos used don't belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners. Now on to the chapter!

The story will continue from Halloween.

️Sunday Morning☀️

*Claire's POV*
The sound of banging on my door disturbed my slumber.

"Who could it be at this hour?" It was minutes to 7am, so it couldn't be any of my friends because they would be sleeping too.

Getting out of bed, I headed downstairs to answer the door.

"Miss Claire."

"Cloud head, what are you doing here?" It was Updyke that disturbed my sleep.

"You seem to be a magnet for these creatures, so I came by to ask if you happened to see any wondering bombs around." He stated.

"No, the only bomb I see everyday is Whitty. Did someone escape or something?"

"Yes, the day you escaped from the facility, another bomb took advantage of the chaos and escaped as well. I can't give you their information but if you do see a bomb, inform me."

"What makes you think I'll turn them in if I find them? They escaped for a reason, they didn't want to be there and I can't blame them." I crossed my arms.

"I see that you won't be any help, but I will come back to check since they were last spotted in the area. Have a good day." Just like that, he stepped off and went back to his car before disappearing from my sight.

"Another bomb? If I got a description of them then that would help." Closing the door, I made my way back upstairs to try and get back some sleep.

"Who was downstairs?" Whitty was sitting up in the bed.

"Updyke, but it's not that important now. He woke me up so I want back my sleep." I plopped into the bed, trying to go back to sleep.

"Can you tell me what he told you? Please?" Whitty placed his hand on my own.

"I can't say no to him." Sitting up, I scooted to his side before telling him everything.

"Another bomb? It can't be Lizzie or the others, we heard from them not too long ago. Then what bomb could they be talking about?" Whitty brought up a good question.

"Hmm, I have no idea, but it makes no sense thinking about it now. Not on an empty stomach at least." Both of our stomachs growled.

"Well, I'm more hungry than tired now so let's get ready and prepare breakfast." Hoping off the bed, I headed for my room to freshen up.

After getting ready, I joined Whitty in the kitchen and stood on a chair to reach him.

"Good morning Whitty." I kissed him.

"Good morning Claire." He returned the kiss before responding.

"Morning.." Blaine said from the living room.

"Good morning Blaine, had a good sleep?"

"No, the excess sugar from last night gave me a headache." He groaned in pain.

"That's what you get for being gluttonous." I teased, seeing Fuse run up to the chair.

"Good morning Fuse, let me fill your bowl." Stepping off the chair, I fed her before continuing to make breakfast.

Living with a Rockstar (Whitty x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now