Baby Shower

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Heyo everyone! I'm back with another chapter! As always, all images, songs and videos used don't belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners. Now on to the chapter!

☀️Sunday Morning☀️

*Third Person POV*
It's been a few months since Claire found out that she was pregnant.

Even though it was her first born child, she didn't seem worried like other new moms. She just carried on with her life as it was.

The only time she got worried was when she was five months along but wasn't showing. The doctor said that it was normal and that the baby was healthy, so her worries were put to rest.

She was now seven months along, showing a little bump. She didn't want to stress the baby or cause any harm to them, so she went on leave from work. Thanks to the years of working under her belt, she had enough money to take care of herself without working.

This morning was special, since it was the baby shower that the girls planned out for Claire. This time around she didn't want a big party, so her friends were just gonna come spend some time with her and help prepare the baby's room.

"I'm not ready. Do we have to do it today?" Claire stood at the door of her mother's room.

"We need the room for the baby Claire. I understand how you feel, but it's time to move on." Blaine was clearing out the things in the room, packing some stuff into boxes.

"I know, guess I have to let go today. Let me help." She was about to take up a box but Whitty pulled her back.

"Y'know the doctor said no extraneous activities, which means no working." Whitty spun her around to face him.

"I know! Honestly, the only thing that irritates me about being pregnant is that I can't work! But, anything for the baby." She rubbed her tummy, cooling down from the thought of the young one.

"Speaking of which, how's the baby?" Blaine was done packing away everything.

"The doctor said there's no abnormalities. They were expecting a lot but they're a normal baby so far. The doctor did say that they know the gender now, but I want to wait until birth to find out. I want it to be a surprise, but I do hope we have a girl." Claire went downstairs to sit, watching the television with Junior.

"When is my baby sibling coming?" Junior lightly rubbed Claire's tummy.

"Less than two months hun, just be patient and you'll meet them soon." She gave Junior a hug before hearing a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Getting out of the couch, she opened the door to let in her friends that gathered together.

"We've got the stuff for the baby!" Suzy poked Claire's tummy.

"What did you get?" Taking a seat, the boys went upstairs to help with moving the furniture as the girls gathered in the living room.

"Well firstly, we got a crib for the little one." Octavia pulled out the box that had the crib inside.

"Thank you Octavia, I appreciate it." She smiled at her.

"I got some clothes for the young one. I got a bunch of colours since we don't know the gender yet. This one is my favourite by far." Suzy held up a purple onesie that had a quote and an outline of a bomb on it.

"Aww, I like it. Thanks for the clothes Suzy." She checked out the clothes, taking a liking to the purple one.

"I got a bunch of toys for the baby." Carol dropped a box of baby toys in the couch.

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