Trip to Jamaica (Part 5: Return)

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Heyo everyone! Here's the end of the trip to Jamaica, I hope you all are enjoying the book so far. As always, all images, songs and videos used don't belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners. Now on to the chapter!

☀️Monday Morning☀️

*Claire's POV*
It was the last day of our stay, waking up that morning to get ready and pack our stuff before leaving.

Checking my phone, I saw a message from Uncle Chris, asking to see me before I leave.

"Wonder what it could be..." Texting back to say that I'll be getting ready, I told him to come as soon as possible. Once I sent the message, I got out of bed and quickly got ready.

Once fully dressed, I packed away everything that we had in the room, Whitty and Junior's belongings included. Being careful not to wake up Fuse, I put her in the carrier.

My phone buzzed, seeing a text message saying that he's outside the house.

"Whitty, wake up." I shook him awake.

"Claire, you're up early." He sat up in the bed.

"Uncle Chris asked to see me before I leave, so I'll be going to see what he needs. Finish packing and help the others with breakfast. I'll be back as soon as I can." I took a step away from the bed but was pulled back on it by Whitty.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" He looked into my eyes.

"Yeah I am." I climbed on top of him and gave him a kiss.

"Good morning my prince."

"Good morning my princess." We shared a smile before I went out to meet my uncle.

"Good morning uncle, what seems to be the problem?" He gestured for me to come in the car.

"Your grammy wanted to give you something but didn't know that you were leaving today, so she asked me to come get you before you left." He started the car and sped off down the road.

"What does she want to give to me?"

"I'm not sure, but she was freaking out when she heard you'll be leaving today. Must be really important." It didn't take long before we arrived at the house.

"Good morning." I waved to aunt Lily to be grabbed by her.

"What's going on?" She dragged me upstairs to grammy's room.

"She's here." She closed the door behind her, getting behind me and pulling down my dress.

"What's going on?!" Covering my chest, I yelled at my aunt.

"We've got to move fast before you miss your ride, hands up!" Despite having no idea what was going on, I raised my hands to have a corset put on me.

"Why am I wearing this?"

"I'm just checking something. For the gift, you can't have a waist over," she tightened it, making me gasp for air, "nine inches."

It wasn't too tight, but the sudden action took me by surprise.

"Guess you don't need the corset after all." She removed it and allowed me to dress myself again.

Living with a Rockstar (Whitty x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now