Little Update

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Heyo everyone! So I just found the picture up top and thought, why not fill it in to explain Whitty and Claire's relationship better? So I can't really draw to save my life, so I'll be writing about it here.

Please note that this is the information for this book, which is an AU, so some information won't match up with the actual character of Whitty.

Whitty is 8'11 as you all know, Claire is 5'10 currently in the story so their height difference is 3'1.

Y'know the gender, but they're both heterosexual since they've only loved each other.

Whitty is the big spoon. Claire has tried to cuddle him but it just ends up being her cuddling his chest or back alone, so he's the big spoon.

Claire will borrow his hoodies, she even owns one of them now. Whitty will lend her his hoodies if she asks, even without asking so yeah.

They use pet names, a lot of pet names. The main ones being sweetie/spark and princess/prince.

Okay so Whitty is more introverted while Claire is more extroverted. Claire may not go out often but when she does, she has fun going out with Whitty and her friends. Whitty isn't really interested in going out unless it's with Claire.

They both show affection through words and actions, they're really affectionate to each other.

Okay so, Claire and Whitty were both going to confess to each other, but Whitty beat Claire to it. They weren't going to wait, they were gonna come out and say it.

Neither will scream about a bug. Claire took care of herself for years, do you really think she would let a bug scare her? If there was a bug, like a ladybug, Whitty will just point it out and Claire would let it out. If it were something like a roach, then it would go like this.

Whitty: Claire, what's that weird looking bug on the floor?

Claire: What bug?

*sees the roach*

Claire: That's a roach Whitty, they carry germs and sometimes fly.

Whitty: What are you gonna do?

Claire: Clean my shoes and the floor.

*realizes she stepped on the roach already*

Whitty: Oh...gross.

Whitty will crash the car, so Claire drives. If not her, then Blaine but he doesn't have a license so Claire does the driving in the house.

Whitty couldn't cook for shit in the beginning, while Claire learnt from a young age how to cook from her mother. Claire later on taught Whitty how to cook so he has some experience now. They help each other when making breakfast and dinner.

Okay, PDA, they're not against it but don't do it a lot. The only time they do it is when either one looks nervous and try to calm them down. They also do it to show people that they're together, because they can get a bit jealous. Okay a bit is not right, they will get jealous and possessive if you try making a move at either of them.

Both are overprotective. Whitty won't hesitate to choke anyone that touches Claire. Claire won't hesitate to break backs to protect Whitty, Junior and her friends. Claire may not like violence, but she will use it if you hurt her loved ones.

Alright so Claire only had experience from hearing stories from her mother and the movies that came up on television. So other than that, both had no experience. Girlfriend realized that, hence why she got them the book.

Horny level: Yeah so, right at the chest. They know the time and place, once they have privacy and the mood is right, then yeah, they'll let loose.

Awkwardness level: Shoulders, they still don't understand certain stuff so it gets awkward when they have to learn about it. It's even worse when they get flustered, red faces all around.

Jealousy level: Aight so, shoulder as well. They know their friends won't double cross them so they don't worry about them. If anyone else does make a move, then best believe that they'll walk up to them, hug or kiss their partner then be like "Who's this sweetie?". They won't get physical unless the person gets too physical with their partner.

Yeah, so that's how the relationship is. Just wanted to do it here, if you want to use the template the owner is in the corner. If you want, use can the information and write up the template since I can't. For the wedding and honeymoon, they will be separate chapters! The next chapter will be up later, so until then see you soon! 👋

Living with a Rockstar (Whitty x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now