Music and Emotions

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Heyo everyone! Just a new chapter for you all to read! As always, all images, songs and videos used don't belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners. Now on to the chapter!

Tw - Angst

️Friday Morning☀️

*Third Person POV*
The sun shines down in Claire's house, waking up the inhabitants that were bothered by sunlight.

It has been a few days since Blaine returned home and they adjusted to their quiet life together.

"Five more minutes..." Claire rose from the bed and check her phone to see it was past 8am before laying back down.

Blaine on the other hand woke up from the sunlight and checked his own phone to see a message from Girlfriend.

It was an invitation to come over to her house. It was originally sent to Claire, but she didn't see the message on her phone to realize it.

Responding to the message, he got ready before knocking on the door to Claire's room.

"Claire, wake up already." He got no response.

Opening the door, he saw that she wasn't in her room.

"She couldn't be downstairs already, I would hear her in the kitchen. She doesn't even like to get up early on Fridays." He thought for a bit until he looked at Whitty's room.

"I'm hoping I won't have to commit another murder this morning." Opening the door, he found Whitty and Claire asleep in each others' embrace.

"Not what I was expecting, but I'll take it." He pulled out his phone and played a loud song to wake up Claire.






The loud music did nothing however, since Claire was sleeping with earplugs in.

Fed up, he went to her side and smacked her head.

"Ow! What was that for Blaine?" She rubbed her head as she looked at her brother.

He showed her the message that Girlfriend sent him.

Looking at her own phone, she saw the message and three missed calls from Girlfriend.

"The earplugs still work wonders.." she pulled them out of her ears and placed them on the night table.

"Well, I'll go get ready and prepare breakfast." She got out of bed and went to her room.

"You too!" He smacked Whitty in the head, waking him up as well.

"What happened?" Whitty was half asleep as he sat up in the bed.

Living with a Rockstar (Whitty x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now