18. "Vampire's kiss"

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July 20th, 1923. Kadina, New Orleans.

Alexander was done for the night. The bar was empty, the music was over, the vampires were gone and the humans with them. He came into his room and, as every night, Mary Louise was waiting for him. She was laying in his bed, wearing that white camisole that he liked so much. Her blonde hair was up in a messy ponytail, and she looked at him as soon as he walked in.

"Who was she?" Mary Louise asked, in a suspicious tone. She was referring to a woman Alexander had danced with that night.

Almost every night Alexander had sex with a different woman, but that was before he met Mary Louise around a year ago. Once he met her, he quickly realized he was in love with her, something he hadn't felt since he was a feeble human more than a millennium ago, and when she expressed her disapproval for his womanizing ways, he promised to stop. But he was still a vampire, and from time to time he would slip into his old habits, which didn't sit well with Mary Loise.

"No one important." Alexander said, and he meant it. No matter what, no one could ever come close to Mary Louise, not to him. She was everything to him.

"Right." she sighed. She wasn't really mad, he knew that because they had a blood bond, and he could feel her amotions. She was just a little bit jealous.

"Don't get jealous." Alexander said, taking off his black leather jacket and hanging it a hanger. She looked at him up and down.

"I'm not." she crossed her arms on her chest, making her breast more prominent. Alexander smiled.

"Right." he said.

He walked over to the bed and when he got to it, he sat next to Mary Louise. She avoided his eyes, and he knew why. She would always tell him that his eyes were hypnotizing, and that she avoided to look at them when she was mad, because if she looked, all the anger would go away. But this time she wasn't mad, she just wanted Alexander to work for it a little bit.

"Look at me." Alexander demanded. She didn't like it when Alexander demanded something, so she still didn't look at him, which made get a little frustrated.

He touched her left heel, and then he moved his hand up her leg. Mary Louise still refused to look at him, although she really wanted to. Alexander's hand moved up and it drew her figure, until it reached her face, and there he moved her jaw softly. Her eyes met his, and they both felt the allure of each other's glance. Mary Loise took a deep breath.

"She's nothing." Alexander said, looking directly into her eyes. She thought nobody should be allowed to be that attractive, and he thought the same about her. "Everyone is nothing compared to you." Alexander said, sincerely. She felt that sincerity, and she immediately wanted to kiss him.

He kissed her first, slowly and passionately, like it was their last kiss. He moved his right hand from her face to her waist. She was intoxicated by his touch, and so has him. He took off his shirt, and she took off her camisole. She started kissing his neck, and he started thinking about biting her. He couldn't be around Mary Louise for more than one second without thinking about either fucking her, or biting her, most times he thought of doing both at the same time.

"Do it." Mary Loise could feel what he felt, so she knew what he wanted. She leaned her head to her left, leaving her neck exposed, and he gladly bit her.

He was always careful he wouldn't hurt her too much, but he would always give her some of his blood so she would heal completely. He pressed his body against hers as he swallowed her blood like it was the most magnificent thing in the world, and it was for him. He got completely on top of her and she wrapped her legs around him. She was ecstatic, and so has him. Nothing in the world could compare to the feeling of being with her, and he thought she was the most precious thing he'd ever had, and he needed to protect her, at all cause.

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