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The days went on immensely slow, they dragging on to no end, the nights seemed so short though.

But everything went twice as slow when you can't wait to see the person you like the most and enjoy their company even if it were mere seconds.

Mr. Styles didn't come all week as expected but it was strange, he always came atleast three times a week to talk to grandma and spend time with me, it didn't feel the same, I was bored all week, sad and eager. Dad spend his time away at work during the day, grandma at her bakery and grandpa at the clinic and none of them would come home till atleast 8pm, it use to be earlier but now I have dinner alone.

But Friday finally came, by the time I was up my family was headed out the door, it seems as if I'm alone all the time. Breakfast already on the table for me to eat, maybe I should get some friends?

It's not like I don't have any, I have two but I don't think they consider me a friend. The clock hit 7:30am meaning I had to leave to get to school in time, sighing I grabbed my bag and headed out the door with small steps.

I liked to plan my outfits in advance for church, today is Friday which means I get to pick a pretty dress for tomorrow.

I reached for the door, swinging it open...jumping back once I was met with a head full of curls.

His head snapped up, surprised that I had opened the door before he could knock on it.

"Hey" he broke the silence, eyes going from my pretty shoes all the way up to my styled hair.

"Father styles what are you doing here?" I was surprised to say the least, did he leave something here? I was happy to finally see him but if my dad came and saw him he wouldn't be happy.

Quickly I gripped his wrist feeling his warm skin under mine and pulled him in my home quickly taking a look outside to make sure no one saw him, god knows my next door neighbor Martha would snitch in an instant before shutting the door.

I turned to find Harry standing in the middle of on the living room now confused but with an amused face.

He was dressed a lot more casual than he usually does, what use to be dress pants and skinny jeans now light blue denim jeans, what covered his upper half with button ups and suits now a soft white sweater with a couple colorful stripes down the middle, and clean vans adored his feet.

He looked...comfortable.

His hair was a pretty mess, curls a lot more defined than usual.

"Precious" his words snapped me out of my daze, had I been staring too long?

I stood leaning against the door, hands behind my back, bag nearly falling off my shoulders as I stared at his beauty. Why do I find this man so attractive all of a sudden? So beautiful, could it be because I had been fantasizing about seeing him these past few days? The change in clothes? The slight pinkness of his soft cheeks?

"Yeah?" My eyes snapped to his confused ones probably wondering why I was dozing off.

His long sleeves almost covering his hands, I could still see his rings poking out and his black painted fingernails, his finger tips gripped the tips of the sweater almost picking at it.

I kinda wish I was the sweater.

"Precious are you listening to me?" He once again snapped me out of my head now seeming a bit concerned.


"Are you okay?" His long legs carried his pretty body back to me, the soft scent of lavender touched the tip of my nose almost putting me back in my sweet haze.

Precious H.S auWhere stories live. Discover now