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Yet another Saturday came.

All week Precious had those dirty dreams waking her up. She didn't know what to do.

She felt weird about it. They were all about Mr. Styles and she felt a little weird being with him in the same room.

A feeling down in her panties kept her up at night.

She couldn't tell her grandma, it was embarrassing and her grandma might think there is something between her and Mr. Styles and that would just be wrong.

Maybe talk about it with Mr. Styles?

Just not mentioning him being in their at all.

That Saturday she wore a simple floral dress up to her knees, hugging her chest and waist a bit tight but she liked it that way, it made her posture straight.

Her hair down, in its brown waves.

"Good morning Precious, you look beautiful as always" he spoke kissing her left cheek. She blushed as always but felt that feeling again, in her panties that made her almost panic.

"Th-thank y-you sir" she bit her lip, kissing his cheek. A smile crept onto his lips as he looked down at her body looking so sexy in that dress.

"How was your week? Exciting?" He tried making conversation but she seemed off.

"Is something wrong P?" He asked concerned as she breathed heavily

"I need to have a talk with you Mr. Styles. C-can I?" She looked a bit worried which worried him.

He smiled down at her and nodded

"Of course, what about?" Her eyes widened as she looked around.

"Can we do it after the reception? In a more private area?" He bit his lip knowing he would be alone with her. She stared at his lips feeling a bit wet down there.

"Please?" She begged, her eyes looking so wide and pretty he thought.

"Yes darling no problem, wait for me at my office after the reception" he reached down and kissed her cheek once again, she kissed his back.

"Thank you" she whispered no his ear. His dick instantly hardening.

During the reception, Precious felt it getting worse so she excused herself to the bathroom where she cleaned herself and went back in, looking at Mr. Styles the whole time. Looking at that almost sheer black button up fitting loosely around his super body and tight jeans fitting his legs, his ringed fingers wrapping around the mic, speaking into it with his pink rosy lips...

She felt too uncomfortable.

After the reception she excused herself and told her grandma she would have a talk with Mr. Style sin his office in which her grandma smiled and let her go.

She sat patiently, biting her lips as she tapped her small heels on the shiny floor.

Soon the door opened and Mr. Styles came in with a dimpled smile.

"Hi" he said taking a seat next to her, not in his chair.

"Hi" she blushed. He smirked knowing he made her feel some type of way.

"So P. Tell me, what's been bothering you?"

"Well, a-all week I've been having dreams" he thought maybe nightmares

"Details baby, give me details" the pet name making her squirm in her seat as scenes flashed in her mind from the many dreams she had of him calling her baby.

Precious H.S auWhere stories live. Discover now