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He had changed into sweats and left his v-neck on.

"Sleep on my bed" I spoke softly, he shook his head

"No its alright, I'll go over to the guest room" I nodded as he padded over to the door before turning to me with a smile

"Goodnight Precious"

"Night M-Harry" I had almost called him Mr. Styles.

He soon left and closed the door.

The cold air had gotten in due to me leaving the window open so I walked to close it but when I did, I heard lighting making me squeal and run back to my bed and throw myself on it, covering myself.

Sighing I new I was not gonna close that window anytime soon so I just covered myself in my thick duvets and tried to sleep but the heavy rain, and wind and lighting kept me up.

I hated it.

Soon enough I stood and turned my light on and checked the time

1:37 am

I huffed knowing I wasn't going to sleep so I decided to walk out my room for a midnight snack.

Sitting on the floor, I opened the fridge and pushed my hair over my shoulder before grabbing yogurt and spooning it out finishing it.

"Oh hi" I jumped and looked up only to find Harry there shirtless making my eyes go wide as I blushed.

I had a night gown on, my grandma gave me this.

I must look like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Hi" I smiled as I started to stand

"No no, its okay...I came for a midnight snack as well" he smiled and sat next to me


"Couldn't sleep?" He asked taking strawberries as he turned to look at me

I shook my head.

"Me either, seems like the storm won't be-"

Just then the lights went off from the hall and fridge which kept me sane and away from a panic attack. I squealed and almost screamed but I shut my mouth and literally jumped on Mr. Styles.

"Damn, it is getting worse isn't it." He chuckled wrapping an arm around me

"S-sorry" I blushed although he couldn't see me. I got off him only being able to see the shape of his head and curls and half of his face, the only light coming from the lightning and the moon.

"Its alright, why don't we go up?" I nodded before realizing he couldn't see me

"Okay" with trembling arms and sweaty palms I stood and closed the fridge as I followed behind him, our hands grasped together being the only thing keeping me calm.

I think we reached my room because I felt the door knob on the right side, being the only door in the house with the door knob on the right.

I sighed as I stepped in

"Okay.....uhm-i sho-"

"Please stay...I can't stand the dark" I pleaded almost in tears, my voice cracking.

"Shh, its okay...I'm here, there won't be any harm" he wrapped his arms around me soothing me slightly as his voice filled with concern whispered.

"Know, do you have any idea where the candles are?" He asked

"We ran out of them last week" I spoke frightened. My body falling on the bed and tucking itself in the blankets
Mr. Styles headed towards the window which he closed making the strong winds and the rain drops stop from coming in. He closed my curtains making my room pitch black.

My breath increasing as I closed my eyes trying to calm down and not embarrass myself.

But it seemed impossible as my limbs started to shake, my eyes became watery and my lips leaving small whimpers, I was seconds away from a panic attack until I felt two arms wrap around my small body making me squeal

"Its just me don't worry, hey its gonna be okay, okay?" Without hesitation I dug my face in his chest as I wrapped my arms around his body lightly sobbing.

His hand coming up to stoke my hair as he whispered "everything will be alright" every know and then to try and control me.

I had taken my pills this morning but I guess they didn't work.

What did seem to be working were sweet whispers in my ear, back rubbing and hair stoking because I was now very sleepy.

"Sleep baby, sleep" I don't know if I imagined him calling me "baby" but i brushed it off and closed my eyes, dazing off to the sound of a low, raspy, voice talking in such a calm tone as if nothing was wrong, so I just focused on his rhythm, the rhythm of his voice talking, sounding like nothing but pure sweet music to my ears.

My heart slowed down, my body soon took control of itself but it dazed off and fell into a deep slumber.

Precious H.S auWhere stories live. Discover now