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"Hey honey" I never thought I'd resent my fathers voice.

He came in my room smiling sweetly with a strawberry yogurt in hand

"Brought you some yogurt, your favorite" I shook my head

"I'm not hungry" he frowned as he sat on my bed

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned laced in his voice

I can't have him knowing I was eavesdropping, he'd get so mad. I shook my head and shrugged

"Girl problems" I mumbled, his face came to realization and nodded

"Oh okay, I just came in to say that you won't be going to school tomorrow, the weather has been a bit harsh and there's a storm coming" he patted my head as he stood

I nodded

"Where's father Styles?" His body tensed up before clearing his throat and smiled at me

"He left a while ago, had a few things to do" I nodded knowing it was a lie

"He didn't say goodbye" I mumbled, came down and sat on my bed once more

"Look Precious I don't want you close to Father styles anymore" I almost rolled my eyes

"I told you dad I see him as a brother" I lied, almost felt disgusted to say that. He smiled

"You may see him as that but he might not and I'm not willing to risk that so do as you're told and stay away from that man please" his words came out a bit harsh, tears threatened to spill

"But we've always been close, I grew up with him" I fought back, he sighed

"Well then I think it's time for you two to grow apart, now get some rest, this conversation is over" he snapped

Tears streamed down my cheeks as he stood and walked to my door

"Okay I'll stay away"

He smiled and closed my door. I sat in bed trying to comprehend what happened.

Did he really say he'd stay away from me?

I heart ached for a man I couldn't even see.

My phone rang loudly making me jump, I looked down to see his name pop up.

Anger arose from within me as I hit the red decline button.

Sighing I laid down but it ran once again, I declined.

Standing up i locked my door and proceeded to change as my phone kept ringing, I danced to the cute ringtone over and over again, ignoring his calls.

I laid back down on my bed and watched it ring once more, I gave up and answered

"Why didn't you pick up?" His voice gave me shivers and made me all giggly

"You said you'd stay away from me" I mumbled, he sighed

"So you were sneaking a round hearing other people's conversations" once again I felt the anger making me boil, I've never felt this way before.

"A conversation about me" I snapped back, he was silent for a few seconds

"Look Precious-" the way he made my name sound was magical

"No you look Harry, you said you'd stay away from me now stay away from me and don't call me again" I wanted to scream at him but my dad was downstairs so my anger would have to wait

"Now listen, I want my number erased, your thoughts of me erased, I want you away from me, I want you to not lay a finger on me ag-"

"I'm not staying away" he cut me off while I was rambling in such a calm way it made my blood boil

"Then why would you say you would?" My voice cracked, I wanted to cry.

"Is your dad home?" He asked, why such a dumb question?

"Yes he's asleep" I mumbled

"And your grandma?" I sighed

"She's downstairs cleaning probably" he let out a buff of air

"Okay meet me at the park by your house in 20, Yes?" My heart skipped a beat

"It's almost 9pm I can't do that, I'm supposed to be asleep" he chuckled

"Oh Precious, my sweet little precious, just sneak out" my eyes widened as I sat silently trying to figure out a plan, he chuckled

"Meet you at the park in 20" and he hung up, I panicked

My anxiety going nuts as I tried to find a way out.

Quickly I put some shoes and a hoodie on and tried to climb out the window but it was too high up I was scared, I went back inside and went down the stairs as quiet as I could and just as I was passing by the kitchen where my grandma was cleaning a voice stopped

"Precious?" Her voice made me freeze, I turned giving her a smile as she walked towards me

"Where are you going?" She whispered confused, I tried to lie

"Just going out for some fresh air" I laughed nervously, she gave me a look

"Honey if you're meeting up with a certain someone don't hide it from me please, and do a better job next time, now go and come back before your dad gets up to use the bathroom" I sighed in relief

"Thank you" I gave her a light hug before walking tot he door and opening it

"And tell Harry to take you out a little earlier next time honey" my eyes widened, how did she know?

I quickly went out and speed walked to the park two blocks over

I spotted his black SUV and quickly walked to it, he unlocked the door and I quickly jumped in

Turning to him, he looked at me with a little smile

I instantly got nervous and anxious as leaned in.

I pushed him away not letting him touch me

"Precious" his voice was taunting and deep, so raspy and nice.

"You said you'd stay away"

Precious H.S auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora